A Huge Positive

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Sunday June 26, 2022

Sally didn't have much time to miss Adam and Connor that weekend. She spent most of it throwing up and working when she wasn't. She was starting to get concerned, a stomach bug should have been over by now. Sighing, she opened her phone calendar to look at her schedule for Monday, she froze when she saw the date. Her period was due a week ago and she was never late. She dropped her phone and started thinking back to all the times she and Adam had spent together.

She was racking her brain; she was so sure that they had been careful. Then it hit her; their night in the CEO office, they had been drinking, he didn't use anything, and she forgot her birth control pill. 'Holy shit!' she screamed in her head. She had to run to the store quickly, praying that no one she knew was in the store. Sally was about to grab her bag when her phone rang from the spot where it fell on the floor. Picking it up, she saw that it was Adam.

"Hey" she said, hopefully in a calm voice. "What's going on?"

Adam noticed her not calm voice. "You, okay? You sound on edge. Are you still sick?

Sally cursed under her breath, damn this man for knowing her so well. "I'm better.", she lied. "When are you and Connor going to be home?"

"The plane just took off, so we should be back in a couple of hours. Connor asked to spend the night with Chelsea, and I think I'm going to let him. So, it will be just the two of us tonight." he explained, secretly loving that Sally referred to his house as home.

Sally thought to herself 'It may be three, I need to get to the store.' "Sounds good, Connor should have some time with his mom. Sorry to rush off the phone, I was about to go out. I need to run an errand, but I'll see you at the house. I love you."

"Love you too. I'll see you at home." Adam said before hearing her hang up. He hoped everything was okay, she sounded off. He spent the rest of the flight distracting himself by playing cards with Connor. They had a good trip and his son smiled for the first time in weeks. He was hoping that Chelsea wouldn't ruin his good mood. Chelsea didn't upset Connor; however, Adam was another story.

Chelsea's Suite

Adam braced himself before knocking on Chelsea's door at the Grand Phoenix. He truly hoped that she was on her best behavior. She opened the door with a guarded look on her face that quickly turned to joy when she saw Connor. "Hey Buddy! How are you? How was your boys weekend with your dad?", she excitedly greeted her son. Connor rambled off the highlights of his weekend as his parents smiled at his enthusiasm. They both loved seeing him this happy. Chelsea hated the fact that she was the cause for most of his sullen mood. Sensing that his parents needed to talk, the young boy excused himself to go to the bathroom.

"Connor wanted to spend the night with you, tell you all about his weekend." Adam explained to his ex. "I'll be back tomorrow morning to pick him up."

"Why thank you Adam for being so gracious and allowing me to see my own son." Chelsea sarcastically quipped.

"I have full custody Chelsea. I don't have to let you do anything. He's here because he wants to be here." he tiredly explained, dropping Connor's suitcase in front of the bed.

"Rushing home to that redheaded harlot?"Connor's mother sneered.

"Don't bring Sally into this. You really need to get over this jealousy you have towards her." Chelsea stared at him with an insulted look for her face. Feeling an argument that he was too exhausted to have coming, Adam turned to leave the room. "Bye Connor, I'll see you tomorrow." Chelsea slammed the door behind him, releasing an annoyed deep exhale.

The Tack House

Sally made it successfully to the store and back without being seen. She bought three pregnancy tests, hoping that was enough. She chugged a bunch of water and sat down on the toilet. The wait after taking all three tests was torture. While waiting she thought about what she would do if the tests were positive. The former fashion designer had no clue, she and Adam had never even discussed kids. Her timer went off and she looked down at all three tests. Oh shit!

Adam felt relieved when he walked through the front door. It felt so good to be back, a thought he never previously had at the ranch. He called out for Sally and got no response. He was about to shout for her again, when he heard her answer "In your bathroom." Sally took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. She could hear Adam running up the stairs. Newman's CEO opened his bathroom door to see his girlfriend sitting on the floor, three positive pregnancy tests laid out in front of her.

Sally looked up when she heard him come in, her blue eyes wide with shock. She was clearly so confused and scared. Numb, Adam slid to the floor next to her feeling less like a thirty-eight-year-old CEO and more like a scared eighteen-year-old. He couldn't believe it; how could this have happened? Well, he knew how it happened, but they had been so careful. Except they obviously weren't at least once.

"Surprise" Sally said with a shaky voice. "This is not exactly how I envisioned welcoming you home, but..." she trailed off not quite knowing what to say. Adam pulled her into a hug, kissing the side of her head in the process. He decided at that moment to let her lead the conversation. Sally started to compose herself, she had to have a serious conversation with Adam. This talk would change the rest of their lives, regardless of what they decided. She took a deep breath and started to talk.

"What do you want to do?" She asked him. Sally genuinely wanted his input, she didn't want to make this life changing choice alone.

Adam was stunned, she was the one who was pregnant, and she was asking him what he wanted. "Not my body, not my choice. What do you want, Sally?" He gave what he felt like was the best answer and he meant it. Whatever she wanted to do, he would support.

"Congrats on being woke, Adam." She responded sarcastically. "I don't know what I want. I've never really thought about children. We've never talked about kids... I mean we've only been dating for like four months. Do you even want more kids?" She rambled. This was all happening way too soon.

Adam sighed, thinking about her question. Did he want more children? He loved Connor more than anything and he thought about Christian everyday. He was bitter about being left out of both pregnancies. This would be his chance to be involved from the beginning. And the thought of having a child with her was very appealing to him. A vision of a little redheaded girl popped into his head. He wanted that vision, that little girl badly. He was honestly starting to get excited. He didn't want to show it though; he didn't want to influence Sally's choice.

"I'm not opposed to the idea." He tried and failed to sound casual, which Sally definitely clocked. "But like I said, it's about what you want. You're the one who's pregnant, not me." Adam said softly. "Whatever you want to do, I'll support. And it doesn't matter how long we've been together. I love you."

Despite how conflicted she felt, Sally couldn't help but smile at his words. This was what she needed to hear. She still needed to go to the doctor first before she decided anything. It had to be officially confirmed, though the three positive pregnancy tests were a clear sign.

"I wish we had been able to have a discussion about kids first." Sally thought out loud. Adam nodded in agreement.

"Nothing in our relationship has been planned so far, why start now?" Adam joked. The couple started chuckling and before they knew it they were laughing so hard, tears were streaming down their faces. Ironically, Adam's joke while not that funny was exactly the tension breaker Sally needed. She would never be able to thank him enough for always trying to keep positive for her.

"I need to see the doctor first before I decide anything. I need to know how far along I am." Sally explained getting up off the floor. She was done being scared; she was not an unequipped teenager; she was a CEO dammit. She could get through this. First, she needed to go to bed, she was tired.

Adam followed her into the bedroom, her about face confusing him. This wasn't what he had in mind for his night, but he knew that he and Sally were good no matter what. Sally laid down under the covers and leaned over to turn the light off. Before Adam left the room she whispered, "I love you too." Adam smiled as he shut the door. He would join her later; right now, he needed to find some scotch and he needed it fast.  

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