A Date with the Lockeness Monster

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Victoria Newman walked into Top of the Tower with one purpose in mind, getting answers. It was obvious that Ashland was the host of this party, but the question was why. The thought of seeing her ex-husband made her sick, thankfully she had two of her favorite men flanking her. Billy and Nicholas hadn't left her side all evening. The eldest Newman sibling was startled to feel someone grab her hand; looking down she saw that it was Billy, and she gave her children's father a small smile in gratitude. Billy returned the smile; he could feel the anxiety radiating off her.

The former couple and Nick entered the room and greeted Abby, who had been the first person there. "Thank God you guys showed up," Abby exclaimed, hugging each of them. "I was getting nervous." Nick was about to make one of his annoying corny jokes when he saw Victoria stiffen. He turned and got ready to fight thinking that Ashland had sauntered in, but all he saw was Adam and Sally walking in.

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes Nick called out his sister, "Vic, it's just Adam and Sally. Not my favorite people either, but harmless compared to Locke." Abby nodded her head in agreement, her opinion on Adam slowly changing after their talk last month; Billy refused to comment; the last thing any of them needed right now was another one of his Adam rants.

"I know that." Victoria scoffed. "That's not why I'm so bothered. He looks so confident and proud, they both do. Like they belong. It unnerves me. And it's my fault. I handed Adam the keys to the kingdom when I picked revenge. I can't even be mad at him for it, I made that choice totally on my own." She finished in a soft voice, filled with regret. The others were startled by the amount of vulnerability she was showing.

The Newman siblings and Billy struggled to come up with the right thing to say to Victoria. Before anyone could say anything, the power couple had walked over. He really didn't want to, but Adam knew he should probably say something to his siblings. "Hey guys. Some party, isn't it?" The Newman black sheep quipped.

"It was until you showed up." Billy muttered under his breath. Adam gave his rival a smirk as the others rolled their eyes.

Choosing to ignore Billy, Nick greeted his brother and his girlfriend. "I'm surprised that you're here Sally. I didn't think Locke cared about you." Adam stiffened as Sally turned red; his sisters both closed their eyes in embarrassment. "That's not what I meant." Nick awkwardly stammered.

"Then what did you mean Nicholas?" Adam asked in a tense, annoyed voice.

Nick started to spit out an answer, but Sally decided to play devil's advocate and answer for him, "He probably meant it's weird that I'm here considering that Locke barely knows me. And I wasn't involved in any plans to expose him. I was wondering that myself, why I got invited." Nick quickly nodded his head in agreement, silently shooting Sally a look of thanks. Abby was secretly impressed at how quickly Sally threw that answer together.

The youngest Newman sibling was about to mention this to her brother's girlfriend, but Adam started talking again. "Well, as fun as this has been." Adam said sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Sally and I are going to head to the back now." The CEOs began to move towards the back of the room, when a hand landed on Adam's arm and turned him back around. Adam was shocked to see that Billy had grabbed him; forming a smirk he responded "Why Billy, I had no idea you felt this way. I'm sadly going to have to decline." Sally giggled as Billy dropped his hand in disgust. Adam's siblings rolled their eyes simultaneously.

"Stop it, now is not the time for jokes. You're not leaving. We all, but especially your sister, deserve to hear Locke's grand plan. I refuse to let you ruin something else for her." Billy lectured his least favorite Newman.

Adam rolled his eyes, "Calm down Billy. We're not leaving. I won't be the reason Victor doesn't get revenge. Sally and I are just going to hang out by the exits, in case we need to get out of here quickly." The group was stunned by his statement. Though the Abbott was confused as to why Adam and Sally would need to make a quick exit.

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