Fight Club

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With Victor's disastrous Fourth of July party in the rear view, things were looking up for Adam and Sally. The couple had completely settled into their new jobs and now that Summer had outed her pregnancy to the family, they could truly begin to enjoy it. Sally ended up being so grateful that she sent her rival a thank you card; much to the Marchetti's executive's ire. But Summer's temper wasn't the only thing rising this summer. Drama never seemed far from the residents of Genoa City.

Sharon smiled as she saw Adam enter Crimson Lights. She was disappointed that she didn't get to really talk to him at the party. But after that episode with Sally and Summer, the coffeehouse owner didn't blame him for making an early exit. "Well, you look like you are having a good day." Sharon commented. "How have you been? It's been a minute since I've seen you."

Adam smiled; Sharon was much nicer to him than he deserved. "I should be asking you how you are doing," he replied.

Sharon waved it off, "I'm doing okay. Some days are better than others, but I'm pushing forward. But I don't want to talk about sad stuff. I want to know what made you so happy."

"I don't know if you've heard, but Sally's pregnant." he said smiling. Saying those two words always brought a smile to his face. Sharon hadn't heard this, but upon seeing the grin on Adam's face smiled in return.

"Really? That's great Adam! Congrats to you and Sally. I'm so happy for you two. How far along is she?" Sharon asked. It must be early; she didn't look pregnant at the party. Probably also why Summer was so angry. 

"She's a little over two months. It's a bit earlier than we wanted to tell people, but Victor found out before planned so..." He trailed off, but Sharon understood. Once Victor knew there was no point in trying to keep a secret.

"Let me guess, he didn't take the news very well?" Sharon asked, already knowing the answer.

"How did you know?" Adam sarcastically quipped.

"I'm sorry, Adam." She grabbed his hand in sympathy. "At least it's out now, and you and Sally can really enjoy this time. It's so special and goes by so quickly."

"You're right." Adam exhaled as a thought came to him. "I'm surprised Nick didn't tell you. From what I saw, you two were glued at the hip at Victor's party."

Crimson Light's owner got a wide eyed look at the mention of her ex-husband. "Oh, well Nick must have decided to let you be the one to tell me. I mean it's your news after all." She was nervously stammering. "Besides I haven't seen Nick all that much recently." Newman's CEO noticed his favorite ex-wife's awkward attempts to avoid talking about Nick. Something had clearly happened between the former married couple. Having learned long ago not to involve himself in the Nick and Sharon saga, he decided to let it drop. Though he would always think that Sharon could and should do much better than his idiotic older brother.

Adam left to go to a meeting but promised to talk to Sharon soon. She waved goodbye then walked back behind the counter lost in thought.

Sharon was brought back to the present when a customer approached the counter. The customer asked if she was Sharon Rosales and when she replied in the affirmative, she was handed a stack of legal papers. "Sharon Rosales, you have been served" the carrier walked away leaving a stunned Sharon in his wake. She stared down at the documents in her hands, she was being sued for Rey's involvement in the deaths of Chloe and Kevin. And she wasn't the only one, she noticed Chelsea's name as her co-defendant. The thought of being tied in any capacity to the woman who killed her husband made her sick. She whipped out her phone to call Michael, she needed a lawyer immediately.

Chelsea's Suite

The same carrier that stopped by Crimson Lights made his way over to the Grand Phoenix. Chelsea had successfully been served with her copy of the lawsuit. She was devastated to learn that Esther was suing her and Sharon. Sharon must be thrilled to be included in this, especially with Chelsea as her co-defendant, she thought to herself. A knock at the door startled her; she was stunned to see who was behind it.

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