Birthday Candles

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Sally nervously paced in the entryway of the GCAC. She was meeting Adam and Connor for dinner in celebration of Adam's birthday. She had met Connor before but was now meeting him as his father's girlfriend. Adam told her that he took the news well and she didn't think he would lie to her about it. She was taken out of her thoughts when she heard her name being called. What surprised her was that it was Connor shouting for her not Adam.

"Hey Connor. How are you? Where is your dad?" Sally asked, looking over his shoulder, for Adam.

"He's coming, I'm fine" Connor responded as Adam approached them. He grabbed Sally to pull her into a hug. He released her, then put his hands on Connor's shoulders.

"Hey buddy, next time can you not take off on me? Scared me half to death." Connor quietly apologized to his dad. "Thanks. Now let's go to our table" Adam held out his arm for Sally to grab which she quickly did. Connor ran ahead of them to the table.

"Happy Birthday!" She whispered in his ear. She pulled a small, wrapped gift out of her bag.

"This is for you. You can open it now or later it doesn't matter" He took the box eagerly and put it in his coat pocket with a smirk. Chelsea was picking Connor up after dinner, so the two of them could stay the night at the hotel.

"For later, when we're alone." He told her. She smiled at him as they sat down at the table. The dinner went amazingly well with Connor leading most of the conversation. Sally didn't mind though; Connor was a sweet and funny kid. Adam smiled throughout the dinner watching his girlfriend and son bonding and laughing. He was so glad that they did this, that it was working. He wanted to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"Thank you, Adam, for inviting me to dinner. And thank you Connor for sharing your dad tonight" Sally said as they were wrapping up dinner. Unbeknownst to the diners, Chelsea had walked into the GCAC to pick up Connor. She decided not to announce her arrival just yet, she wanted to see how Sally acted around her son when she didn't know that she was there.

"You're welcome." Connor replied before Adam could open his mouth. "It was fun." Connor gave her a hug which Chelsea noticed. She was livid, how dare Adam make their son hug this Spectra woman. Connor chose this moment to see his mother and said his goodbyes. He ran over, completely ignorant of his mother's rage. Adam and Sally did notice, however.

"Let me go, take care of this. I will be right back" Adam whispered to Sally. He sighed as he walked over to Chelsea and Connor. Chelsea gave him a look that screamed we will be talking about this later. He thanked her for her birthday wishes and gave Connor a good night hug. With one last glare Chelsea and Connor took off. Adam rolled his eyes at Chelsea's dramatics and walked back over to Sally. "You ready? Let's go upstairs." He grabbed her hand as they walked over to the stairs.

"Are you okay? Chelsea didn't look happy." Sally asked concerned.

"I don't want to talk about Chelsea tonight. I want to celebrate my birthday with you. I'm so glad that dinner went well. Connor really likes you."

"Like father, like son?" Sally joked. Adam smirked at her comment. "Connor is a great kid. I like him too. But you're right tonight is about you."

"Can you say that again so I can get it on tape? You are right, Adam" Sally rolled her eyes and pulled him into a kiss. Every time they kissed, she felt the fireworks, they both did. He hated that he waited so long for this, and denied himself this happiness. The tension was building as the couple walked down the hallway. They got into the room, quickly shutting the door. Clothes started flying off as they made it to the bed. Every time they kissed, it felt like the sparks between them got hotter. They made passionate love for what seemed like hours.

"I want to open my present now" Adam stated as they caught their breath. He reached for his coat pocket as Sally nervously watched him. She really wasn't sure what to get him and hoped that he liked it. Adam opened the gift to see the latest watch from Fenmore's, in black, of course, he turned it over to see the best always-Sally engraved on the back. He had mentioned this watch to her a couple of weeks ago; he thought it looked nice, but never had the time to get it. He was touched that she listened to him enough to get him something that he wanted.

Sally felt the anxiety in her stomach rise the longer he didn't say anything. She felt compelled to break the awkward silence, well awkward in her mind. "Do you hate it? You hate it, I knew it. I overstepped again and..." she was cut off by Adam kissing her.

"I love it, thank you."

"Really? You're not just saying that?"

"No, I'm not. I mentioned wanting to get this, but not having the time to. Thank you for listening to me." He quickly put the watch on to show her how much he liked it. She went to get the champagne that was chilling on ice and poured two glasses. She raised her glass in a toast to him and his future success. As they clinked glasses, he added a toast, a successful future with her.

"To you, a beautiful, strong woman, who knows everything about me, but chooses to be with me anyway. To the woman I can truly be myself with. I toast to my bright future both at Newman and with you" Adam raised his glass for another toast.

Sally smiled at his words. She felt like that with him too, he knew every awful thing she had done, but still chose her. No one ever chose her; it was wonderful finally being first for someone. First romantically, she knew and completely understood that Connor would always be Adam's top priority. She didn't know what the future had in store for her, but if Adam was there, she would be okay. 

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