A Big Brother and A Big Fight

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Adam awoke to the sound of Sally throwing up in the bathroom. He hurried out of bed to check on her. She was sitting on the floor hugging the toilet.

"This is so not fair" she moaned as she looked up at him.

"What isn't fair?" he asked.

"This pregnancy thing. I mean, you did this to me" he raised an eyebrow, which she ignored. "And I'm throwing up all the time and feeling so tired. Nothing happens to you, and everything happens to me. If this were equal, you would be throwing up too." She ranted at him.

"You done?" he asked, amused.

"Yes, I feel much better now. Thank you" she replied before leaning back over the toilet.

He crouched down to rub her back as she continued to get sick. He felt bad for her and honestly if he could do it for her, he would. Hopefully just being the most supportive partner he could be, would be enough. He sat on the bathroom floor with her until she was finished. "Adam, can you get Connor? I think it's time to tell him about his little sibling." Sally mentioned after she finished brushing her teeth.

Adam sighed but agreed. They needed to face the situation and tell Connor. "You're okay? Not still feeling sick?" he checked. Sally nodded. "I'll be right back."

Waiting until he left the room, Sally exhaled nervously, "I hope your big brother is as excited about you as Daddy and I are." She could hear Adam and Connor coming back and schooled her face into what she hoped was a casual look.

Connor entered his father's bedroom wearing a guarded expression. The young Newman observed both his father and Sally; they seemed nervous. His mind immediately went to his mom and her trial.

"Did something happen to mom?" Connor asked. Adam and Sally shared a confused look, why was he asking about Chelsea? Then it clicked her trial was starting soon and they were sure that they both looked stressed.

"No, buddy your mom is fine. I'm sorry that we startled you." Adam explained, grabbing Sally's hand. "Sally and I wanted to talk to you about something. We have some news for you. Connor; Sally and I are having a baby; you're going to have a sibling." The expecting couple shared a brief smile then focused their attention onto Connor to see how he was taking this news. The pair felt horrible dumping even more life changing news on him, but their hands had been forced by Victor and whoever his source was.

Connor didn't know what to think. This was the last thing he expected his dad and Sally to be telling him. He liked being an only child, but he could see how happy his dad was. His life had changed so much in the past year and depending on how his mother's trial went it would only change the more. He felt two pairs of eyes on him, so he decided to say something quick so he could leave.

"Okay, cool." Connor replied nonchalantly. "I'm going to go eat breakfast now." And with that he got up and went downstairs. He didn't wait to see how Adam and Sally felt about his nonchalance. Sally was stunned by his lack of reaction and judging by the look on his face so was Adam. Adam was honestly worried about his son's detached attitude. He hoped that going to camp would help Connor gain some of his spunk back.

"That was um... Not what I expected." the concerned father stammered.

"Definitely not." Sally murmured, not knowing what else to say.

"I'll talk to him once the news sinks in. I think we need to give him some time to get used to the idea." Sighing, Adam got up off the bed. "We might as well join him downstairs for breakfast."

Groaning at the thought of food, "Might as well throw mine in the toilet. That's where it's going to end up anyway." Sally replied. Adam rubbed her back in sympathy as they moved out of the bedroom. In all the excitement, neither of them thought to ask Connor not to tell Chelsea. This news was the last thing she needed right now.

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