Newman vs Locke

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Victoria Newman's plan wasn't working as well as she thought it would. Ashland bought her love story hook, line, and sinker; the problem was that he was keeping her at arm's length. He didn't fully trust her yet, her husband was smarter than she gave him credit for. The eldest Newman sibling paced her new living room trying to think of what she could do to prove her loyalty to Locke. She was growing impatient, she wanted to destroy Locke and get back to Genoa City. She had already been in seclusion with him for a month, she wasn't sure how much longer she could take.

It hit like a lightning bolt, she had to be aggressive and launch an attack on Newman. It was brilliant, nothing got Ashland more excited than ruthless business moves. Quickly grabbing a notepad, Newman's former CEO drew up a business plan that she could discuss with Ashland. The rest of the pieces of her new plan quickly fell into place. Satisfied with the plan, Victoria called Ashland into the room so it could begin.

"What's the matter, love?" Locke asked in a deeply concerned voice.

Swallowing the bile that rose at Locke's use of a pet name, Victoria launched into an explanation of her plan. Shoving her business proposal at her husband with a shit eating grin, she waited for a response. Pretty soon the Lockeness monster was wearing a grin identical to hers. "I love it sweetheart. It's brilliant." He stepped forward to kiss her. Thankfully Victoria was quick enough to dodge it. Locke stepped back hurt by her rejection.

"It's my makeup, I have to stay camera ready." His wife threw out a quick explanation. Upon the confused stare, Victoria told him that phase one was beginning right now. "That's why I called you out here. So you can be a witness to phase one; my attack on Newman." Pulling out her ipad to record a video, "Wish me luck"

Victoria took a deep breath before pressing record, "Hello, I'm Victoria Newman Locke and I would like to address the rumors about my departure from Newman Enterprises. My father said that I left due to differences in opinions and he's not wrong. He and I had different visions for how Newman Enterprises should be run. Victor Newman is a great businessman, but he's also an older man. And like all older men he's resistant to change." Ashland's eyebrows shot up his forehead as Victoria prayed that her father forgave her.

"I wanted to take Newman into the future while keeping our core values intact, my father did not want this. So, I left and he quickly replaced me with my brother, Adam Newman. Adam, while having an excellent mind for business, also shares my father's ruthless streak and has no problem being controlled by him. He also is known for his associations with less than stellar individuals, such as his ex-wife, major con artist and soon to be convicted murderer Chelsea Lawson." She might not have meant everything she said about Victor, but she meant every word about Adam.

"I could not stand by and watch my father's stubbornness and inability to let go of the reins drive Newman into the ground. Not to mention the impact this toxicity had on my mental health. I refused to stay at a company where my input and value would continue to be ignored. These are the reasons why I left Newman Enterprises to form my own company with my beloved husband Ashland Locke." She paused to give Ashland a smile and received a supportive smile in return.

"Ashland treats me as an equal partner both in our professional and personal lives. I look forward to starting this new journey with him. And before you ask, yes we will be taking Newman on directly. If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best and we intend to. Thank you." Ashland stood up from the couch and gave his wife a hug. He was in shock over what she just did, he couldn't believe it. Another person who couldn't believe it was the Great Victor Newman.

Newman Enterprises

"How dare she?!"Victor Newman shouted as Adam slammed the laptop containing Victoria's video blast shut. How dare she insult him like that and drag his company through the mud? The things that she said about Adam seemed to have gone over his head. Oh, he heard them, he was just angrier about the things she said about him. Adam on the other hand didn't seem phased in the slightest. He was so used to his sister's petty attempts at drama that he stopped caring. He was angry at the Chelsea comments more for Connor's sake than Chelsea's.

"Dad, Victoria's just trying to rile you up don't let her. You're giving her what she wants." Adam tried to calm his father down; the irony of the situation was not lost on him. "Let's just focus on Newman. That'll show Victoria and Ashland that we're not scared of them.

Victor ignored his son. "I cannot and will not take this assault lying down boy. Your sister has gone too far. She and that bastard need to be brought down a peg or seven." Adam sighed; he didn't want to get involved in this. He wanted to focus on Newman and their growing profits. Before he could start attempting to talk his father off a ledge the office doors burst open. Adam turned to see his step-mother and siblings running into the office wearing identical worried expressions. They passed him and went straight to Victor.

"Victor, my darling, are you okay?" Nikki asked her husband. She and Nicholas at Society were having lunch when they received the text with a link to Victoria's video. Nick called Abby over and the three watched Victoria verbally destroy their father. Stunned and knowing how Victor would react, the rest of the Newmans raced to the office to comfort him. They also didn't trust Adam to handle him alone.

"I'm furious!" Victor shouted. "What is wrong with that girl? I've given her everything and this is how she repays me?" The mustache slammed a pile of folders on the desk making Abby jump.

"Dad! Please! What about your blood pressure?" Abby screamed.

"Screw my blood pressure! I don't care about that!" Her father screamed back falling into the CEO chair. He was feeling a headache coming on, but didn't want to alarm the family.

"Dad, Abby is right. You need to calm down." Nick tried to reason with their father.

"I told him that Victoria's just trying to rile him up." Adam explained. "Our best course of action is to ignore her little threats and continue on business as usual. The best revenge is incredible profits and proving her wrong."

Victor sat huffing in his chair, still too angry to see reason. The other Newmans absorbed what Adam said; he wasn't wrong. "That's actually a good idea Adam." Nick forced himself to say.

"It's been known to happen." Adam sarcastically quipped back. "But thank you Nicholas." He should really send Victoria a thank you card, her petty bullshit made her that most hated member of the family for once. He knew it wasn't going to last, so he wanted to milk it for all it was worth. He just had to get through this week then he and Connor were in Pittsburgh for the weekend. Not his first choice of cities, but it was the first Brewer's away game he could go to.

While Adam was lost in thought, Nikki and Abby convinced Victor to go have some lunch so he could calm down. Nick stayed in the office, he had some concerns about Victor's behavior and unfortunately, Adam was the only person who would have the answers. Adam came back to reality when he heard Nick ask him a question. "Sorry, didn't hear you. Could you repeat that?"

"Has dad been complaining of headaches a lot lately? You have seen more of him than I have."

"You know, now that I think about it, he has been complaining about his head. I just figured he was stressed about Victoria and everything. Why are you so concerned?" Adam asked, genuinely confused. People get headaches all the time, right?

"Dad doesn't like to complain" Adam shot Nick a knowing look at that. Nick rolled his eyes "I mean about his health. You know he thinks it makes him look weak." Adam did know about his father and his perception of himself. Victor wasn't the only person he knew who had some health stuff going on.

"Maybe there's a bug going around, Sally has been feeling under the weather the past couple of days too" Adam mentioned, noticing Nick barely attempting to hide his look of contempt.

"Maybe." Nicholas placated his little brother, not wanting to get into another argument over that redhead. The brothers were finally getting along and neither wanted to rock the boat. "Alright, I'm leaving. Keep me in the loop about Dad. Okay? I want to know how he's doing once he calms down."

"Can do" Adam replied. Nick shut the office doors and Adam collapsed into the desk chair. This day could not be over soon enough. 

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