Comments From the Peanut Gallery

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Like all good gossip, the news that Adam Newman and Sally Spectra were in a relationship spread quickly. And like all gossip, everyone had an opinion on it. Sally and Adam weren't phased though, they were both used to being part of the rumor mill. Nothing could burst their new relationship bliss; besides they had the approval of the one person who mattered, Connor. Unfortunately not every resident of Genoa City got that message.

Sally was sitting in Chancellor park before work enjoying the early Spring day when she heard her name being called. She was startled to see Chloe Mitchell making a beeline straight for her. 'Odd' Newman Media's COO thought, 'Chloe hasn't talked to me since Newman Fashion folded'. "Chloe? Hi, nice to see you." Sally said as she stood up to greet her former co-worker. The redhead was surprised to be pulled into a hug.

"Sally, thank God I ran into you. I've been thinking about you non-stop lately." Chloe rambled.

"Really? Why?"

"Adam. You've started dating Adam and I had to stop you. Stop you from making the worst mistake of your life."

'Ah, that explains it', Sally thought. "So, after not talking to me for two months you now find the time to because of Adam." She sarcastically questioned her ex-boss. "Not because you missed me or you wanted to say hi, but because of Adam. Nice to know I meant that much to you."

Chloe had the decency to look ashamed. "I kept meaning to respond to your texts, time just slipping away from me. But that's no excuse, I'm sorry. You deserved better. Hence why I'm here now. To make up for my bad friend behavior."

Sally sighed in annoyance, this is not how she wanted to start her morning. "No need to make up for bad behavior. I don't need saving and I don't need friends like you." Chloe looked shocked and was going to start yapping, but Sally held a hand up; she had more to say. "You have no right after two months of silence to come barging back into my life to tell me who to date. Zero. A true friend doesn't dump their friend because their other friend told them to, then ignore the dumped friend for two months. You ditched me the moment Chelsea came back, I thought we were closer than that. That I meant something to you." She angrily wiped the traitorous tears that fell from her eyes. Her abandonment issues were rearing their ugly head.

Chloe walked towards Sally looking and feeling truly remorseful. She was stunned when Sally backed away. "Sally, I..."

"Save it. I don't care to hear your apologies nor do I care about what you think of my relationship." The redhead spat at the shorter woman. "Adam is the one person who has been consistently in my corner. The only person who believes in me and doesn't ditch me because someone told him to. He can think for himself." Chelsea's best friend stared straight at the ground too embarrassed to look Sally in the eyes.

Ms. Spectra started to walk out of the park before turning back around. "Oh Chloe." Chloe looked up cautiously. "I should thank you for bringing me to Newman Fashion. If it wasn't for you, I never would have met Adam. And I would never be as happy as I am right now." With a smug grin Sally whipped back around and went to work leaving a stunned and devastated Chloe in her wake.

Meanwhile-Crimson Lights

Unlike Sally, Adam was having a good morning. After dropping Connor off at school, he decided to get some coffee before heading into the office. Sharon noticed the giant grin on his face as he entered her coffee shop.

"Good morning Adam. You seem to be in a chipper mood this morning." Sharon commented as she started to make his usual.

"Morning to you as well Sharon." Newman Media's CEO replied. "I have been pretty chipper haven't I? It's all thanks to Sally."

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