Goodbye Detective Rey

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Adam Newman was sleeping peacefully when his phone pinged with a text message. He rolled over to see who had disturbed his sleep praying it wasn't Victor with another "work emergency". Rey died last night. Leave Sharon alone. It was from Nick. Fearing that Adam would take advantage of Sharon in her vulnerable state, Nick had appointed himself Sharon's protector and decided to tell him to keep his distance. Apparently the eldest Newman son didn't have much faith in his brother's fresh start including his relationship with Sally Spectra.

Adam stared blankly at the text, trying to blink the sleep out of his eyes. 'Really? This is how I find out Sharon's husband is dead', Adam bitterly thought to himself as he got out of bed. He didn't blame Sharon at all, he knew her head had to be spinning in 15 different directions. The Newman Media CEO knew that informing him was low on her priority list and honestly based on his history with Rey, it was probably for the best. Knowing he would get more answers from the internet than his idiotic brother, Adam decided to google the accident. He read the articles and was stunned to learn that Rey was not the only causality, Chloe and Kevin were dead too.

'Figures Nick would leave that detail out' Adam decided to call his older brother to check in on Sharon and get an explanation for the text message. Nick was sitting at his old kitchen table waiting for the breakfast casserole someone brought over to finish heating up when he heard his phone ring. New Hope's founder looked at the caller id and groaned; he should have known that Adam would call him about that text message. Why did he even bother to text him?

"Adam," Nick answered tiredly.

"Nicholas" Adam responded in a frustrated tone. "How is Sharon doing? Dumb question, I know she's a wreck. I'm so sorry for her loss. Does she need anything?" His tone switched from frustration to concern.

Nick scoffed in disbelief, after everything that Adam had put Rey and Sharon through, he was sorry for her loss. That he felt like he had the right to express concern for Sharon.

"Damn Nick, that was harsh." Adam quipped. "But I know I deserve it." he said in a resigned, almost regretful voice. He knew he had earned everyone's mistrust, but he wanted someone to believe that he meant what he said. The CEO was done playing games and scheming to get what he wanted. Adam was too mature for that, and he had two very good reasons to stay on the straight and narrow; Connor and Sally.

Nick winced as he heard what he thought was regret in Adam's voice. He truly didn't mean to say that out loud, but it was out now. Nick wanted to believe his younger brother, he really did, but he had burned too many times. Adam would have to put serious work in before Nick would trust that he was on the right path.

"Sorry, you weren't supposed to hear that." Nick stammered as Adam scoffed. "Anyway, you called me. Why?"

"Sharon's husband, my neighbor, died and you tell me over text? And forget to mention that Chloe and Kevin were killed as well. What the hell, Nick?"

"You hated all of those people"

"Hate is a strong word"

"You disliked all of those people and they all disliked you." Nick let out a deep breath, kicking himself yet again for texting Adam. Dealing with his little brother could be exhausting at times. "And why do you even care that the three of them are dead?"

"I might have had issues with them, doesn't mean I wanted them to die. I'm not a total monster." It was Adam's turn to sigh in annoyance. "Did you forget that Chloe is Chelsea's best friend and Connor's godmother? And that Rey had become very important to them both? I would like to help them deal with their grief. Especially Connor, he's a very sensitive kid." Adam loved the fact that Connor was a sensitive, compassionate soul, but he often wondered how he and Chelsea of all people got such a wonderful kid. Based on the length of Nick's silence, it was clear he had forgotten that. Choosing to let go of his anger for Connor's sake, Adam asked his next question "Why did you text me? You could have come to the house and told me."

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