Passing the Test

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Sally Spectra was slowly settling in to her new role as CEO of Newman Media; a fact that still blew her mind everyday. The employees adapted quickly to her leadership style and seemed genuinely excited about her vision of the company. Granted her vision, wasn't much different then Adam's, but still the enthusiasm and support was overwhelming. 

"Hello Ms. Spectra." Sally looked up to see Victor Newman staring at her wearing a neutral facial expression. "I decided to stop by to officially welcome you to Newman Enterprises." 

"Thank you, but I've been working here for months." Sally stated in confusion. "Why come now? If you don't mind me asking." 

The old man chuckled at her question. He had to admit she had a point. "You've risen up the ranks, I couldn't not stop by. It'd be rude." Sally narrowed her eyes, she doubted that Victor Newman had ever cared about being rude. 

"Thank you, I appreciate it." She thanked her boyfriend's father to be polite. To her surprise, Victor didn't leave her doorway, instead he entered the office. "Was there something else I can do for you Victor?" She asked watching the mogul take a seat across the desk from her. 

"My son tells me that you have brilliant ideas for the media division and that you promised to be a team player. Well, I want to hear it from you." The old man explained. "How are you going to expand Newman Media? How do you plan on being a team player?" He raised an eyebrow waiting for the redhead to respond. 

Ms. Spectra leaned back in her chair. An early morning grilling from The Great Victor Newman was not how she planned on starting her day. Her anxiety levels were rising, an effect she was sure Victor intended, as she struggled to form an answer. Being put to the spot was not something Sally appreciated. 

"Let me tell you my major ideas." Sally started after what felt like ten minutes, but was really one. "I'm implementing all the plans Adam had in place before his promotion. In addition to continuing to look at all the properties we own to see if there's any redundancies. If there's a way we can costs to advance our goals and grow, then we're going to take it." Taking a deep breath before continuing, "I want to expand our podcast platform, a new one seems to be popping up everyday we have to give the people what they want. I also think we should expand the social media presence of not only Newman Media, but Newman Enterprises as a whole. The number of social media users grows by the day, a majority of the public gets their news from some website, we should be bombarding them with the Newman name. It's been a powerful name for the past forty years, it should stay that way for the next forty." 

Victor liked what he heard. Maybe Adam did know what he was talking about when he hired Sally Spectra after all. Wanting her to sweat, the Great Victor Newman sat in silence for a moment. "I like your ideas and that you know how powerful the name Newman is." The second part of that sentence sounded like a threat. 

"Dad, what are you doing in here?" Both adults looked up to see Adam standing in the doorway looking very confused. He had heard his father was in the building, but when he didn't barge into the CEO office Adam got nervous and went to go look for him. 

"I was just having a chat with CEO of my media division." Victor gruffly answered. "I'm allowed to do that you know." 

"I know you are." Adam sighed, pinching his nose in irritation. "I was just surprised to see you in here. How was your chat?" He asked checking Sally's body language and facial expressions. He knew how difficult it could be to be blindsided by Victor and one of his meetings. His girlfriend seemed fine, but he was still concerned. Sally must have sensed his apprehension and mouthed that she was fine. 

"Well, Ms. Spectra we're finished here. Thank you for sharing your plans with me." Victor gave her a fake smile. "Come now son we have that meeting with the India division to discuss." He got up and grabbed Adam's arm forcing his son to follow him out of the room. 

"You're more than welcome. Have a good day." Sally shouted after him. Letting out a large exhale a thought occurred to her. Victor was testing her somehow and for some reason. She crossed her fingers under the desk that she passed. 

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