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The weather is getting hotter, the heat is steaming, and the sun outside is so scorching that the skin on people's cheeks is peeling off. Turn around the Chaoshou Veranda and walk more than a hundred steps to reach Baoyuexuan.

Lvqiao walked quickly through the door with a plate of fresh fruits. As soon as she entered, she felt a refreshing chill.

In the room outside, Haitang was sewing a pair of blue and white socks. Seeing her come in, he quickly put down the sewing basket in his hand and took the tray.

In the corner, wisps of cold air slowly overflowed from the rosewood ice mirror, dissipating some of the heat. Haitang lifted the handles on both sides and gently put the fruits in. New lychees, honey-tube melons, purple water chestnuts, green gorgonians, and kumquat water balls are stacked up to form a hill. The fruity aroma is overflowing and the appearance is attractive.

"Miss, are you up?" Lu Qiao asked after drinking a large cup of herbal tea. She looked towards the back room.

The curtains were hung low, and a graceful figure was faintly lying on the bed.

"I got up half an hour ago and fell asleep again." Haitang lowered her voice and replied softly.

Lu Qiao sighed slightly.

The young lady has been suffering from a strange disease since she fell into the water a month ago. Every time you fall asleep, you will fall into a dream. This dream is extremely draining of the mind. After waking up, people are often distracted and feel sore all over.

Mrs. Cui felt that her daughter was entangled with unclean things, so she specially invited dozens of Buddhist monks from Ci'en Temple to come to her home to do some rituals. She also spent a large sum of money to chant sutras and pray, and the situation gradually improved.

A few days ago, the madam and the second young lady returned to their parents' home and took many maids and women with them, making the house suddenly empty. The Duke of Guo was a careless man, and the young lady deliberately concealed it, so that everyone in the family thought that the young lady had escaped the nightmare long ago.

Only the two people who were waiting closely knew that it was just an illusion deliberately created by the young lady.

Haitang lowered her head, and after a while, she said, "Miss, you can hide it for a while, but you can't hide it forever. In the past few days, she has been waking up later and later, and I'm worried that something will happen if she continues like this." She suggested with a little anxiety: " How about we tell the father-in-law about this?"

Lu Qiao knocked on her forehead and said disapprovingly: "Have you forgotten what the lady said? Who dares to expose this matter? She will kick them out of the house first."

She looked at this twin sister who was born a quarter of an hour later than her and had a head as big as an elm knot. She hated iron and said: "If you don't want to work in the house, you can tell our parents. Do you think they are willing?" Let you go home."

Haitang stopped talking.

She was originally a silent and reserved person, but Lu Qiao's words made her dare not say anything.

While the two were silent, a slight sound came from the back room. It turned out that the green sand window was not closed tightly, letting in a few rays of breeze.

The crystal curtain moved, blowing up a corner of the curtain.

Lu Qiao walked over lightly, and when she was about to tighten the pink curtain, she found that the person on the couch was staring at her with slightly open eyes, a little confused.

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