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Chapter 72 Mutation

  Xie Jianzhi returned to his house in a daze. Before he could reach his yard, someone led him to the main hall.

  There, his father Xie Langzheng was waiting for him.

  "You went to look for the eldest girl of the Yu family today?" Xie Lang raised his eyelids slightly and glanced at him lightly.

  Although it was a question, the tone was full of affirmation.

  Apparently he knew his whereabouts very well.

  Xie Jianzhi nodded silently.

  Xie Lang sighed, "That girl is not something you can easily provoke. Give up as soon as possible." "

  The young man admired Ai, and the girl from the Yu family was extremely beautiful. The three sons fell in love with her. Xie Lang had no objection, and even vaguely expected his son to marry the girl from the Yu family back to his family.

  It's a pity that, by coincidence, he and the prince fell in love with the same person...

  This is difficult to handle.

  Although the Xie family is a distinguished family, the power of the family has declined a lot in recent years, and it has lost its previous attitude of competing with the royal family. When things go wrong, they just seek stability and are unwilling to get involved in complicated disputes.

  At present, the Xie family's legitimate son and the prince fall in love with the same woman, which has become a troublesome problem that the Xie family cannot avoid.

  As the leader of the clan, how could Xie Lang sit back and watch Xie Jianzhi bring out the trouble? When I found out that my son was looking for a girl from the Yu family, I couldn't sit still and tried to stop him from doing anything.

  "Qi Dafeiqi. There is no way she can enter Xie's house." Xie Lang persuaded him sincerely. "There are countless beautiful women in the world. If you like her color, how about you hire a peerless beauty for you in the future?"

  He thought Xie Jianzhi was attracted by Yu Xingyan's beauty.

  Xie Jianzhi didn't say anything for a long time before he asked him: "Has the prince found his father?"

  His voice was very soft.

  Xie Lang shook his head.

  How could the prince come and threaten him because of such a thing? Just by looking at his identity, most people would retreat.

  Some who were determined not to give up struggled for a while, but when they saw no response from the Yu family, they gave up the idea of ​​fighting.

  The situation is stronger than people.

  His Highness is very sharp, and he is determined to win over that girl. Who among ordinary people would dare to compete with him? He was the only kid who didn't know how to advance or retreat, so he rushed forward rashly.

  Xie Lang moved with emotion, Xiaozhi with reason, but only talked about himself until his mouth was dry.

  While resting, he saw that his son's reaction was indifferent and he couldn't help but said anxiously: "Do you understand what I said today?"

  He suspected that the other party did not listen to his words.

  "I understand." Xie Jianzhi said softly.

  Although Xie Lang was worried, seeing his gloomy face, he was afraid that if he said too much, he would arouse his rebellious heart and make him obsessed, so he stopped talking.

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