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Shu Wei thought like this, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the old lady leading two young girls back.

Yu Siqian heard the footsteps of the three people and listened carefully to identify them.

One heavy one is his mother Sun;

The footsteps of the other were light and rhythmic as they walked, as if they were niece walking cigarettes;

The last one... walks almost silently and is extremely light.

It was obviously a woman's footsteps.

As soon as Mrs. Fu entered the door, she saw the confusion on his face and smiled: "Qian'er, Yan'er is here to see you."

He took Shen Dai's hand again and introduced, "This is Yan'er's good friend, Shen Dai."

Yu Siqian nodded in greeting.

Although he couldn't see them, he still accurately identified the direction of the three of them and greeted them one by one.

Shen Dai looked at it curiously.

Although she already knew from Yu Xingyan that his third uncle was blind, she still couldn't believe it when she saw him again.

His eyes were clear and bright. At first glance, he looked just like any other person. That's why when she was in Zhulin, she thought he was a distinguished guest in the house and didn't think about his identity as the third master of the Yu family.

When Shu Wei saw guests coming to the door, he spontaneously made tea for them. The best Biluochun, dark green in color, is the first batch of new tea after Grain Rain.

Amid the sweet fragrance of tea, several people sat around.

After exchanging pleasantries, Yu Xingyan chatted with him about several new books published by "Moxiangzhai" in the capital.

"Moxiangzhai has published another notebook by Mr. Zhang Huai, "Lin Xia Feng Shi Ji". I think it is interesting and worth reading." Yu Xingyan recommended it to him.

After being a scholarly lady for so many years, Yu Xingyan's writing and calligraphy skills have improved much more than in her previous life. She knew that Yu Siqian loved books, and talking about books might arouse his interest, so she took the initiative to talk to him about the hottest new book on the market.

Sure enough, Yu Siqian became interested and said softly: "Mr. Zhang Huai's words are exquisite. The previous "Moonlight Night Patrol" was already a masterpiece with elegant diction. The book published this time will not disappoint." He called out. Shu Wei's name said, "Go to the bookstore and buy it back as soon as possible." He couldn't wait.

Shuwei was about to respond.

Shen Dai, who had been invisible since she sat down, spoke up in time: "The book in Moxiangfang has been sold out. It will take a few days before we can print more." She considered it and said, "I have this book in hand. If you don't mind, , you can borrow mine for a moment."

She didn't make much noise before, so Yu Siqian didn't pay much attention to her. It wasn't until she said she wanted to lend her secrets to herself that he noticed she had a nice voice.

Like the oriole coming out of the valley, or like the rain falling on the moss, it sounds clear and moist to human ears.

Yu Siqian's heart beat rapidly.

He is extremely sensitive to sounds, and whether pleasant or unpleasant sounds fall into his ears, they will be amplified ten times.

Most ordinary people have mediocre tones. Once they get used to it, they won't notice any problems. Occasionally I meet someone with a nice voice, and I find it a pleasure.

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