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When I woke up the next day, Lu Ji was already gone.

Banxia twisted the veil clean and handed it to her: "You were sound asleep at that time. His Highness said there was no need to disturb you."

Yu Xingyan hummed, secretly hating that he was sleeping so deeply.

Lu Ji set off in the early morning, and everyone in the house got up early to see him off. And she thought that others would wake her up, and she didn't pay attention to such a situation.

Let’s not mention the matter for now.

After resting for five days, Yu Chenyan felt that he was well, so he said goodbye to the Song governor and boarded the boat one sunny evening.

Although we encountered a few rains and the water was not as calm as before, the captain and helmsman at the helm were all veterans and quickly controlled the situation without any danger.

At each stop, Yu Xingyan took several servants off the ship to get some fresh air. Don’t go far, just look around at the pier. To avoid trouble, she put on a curtain hat and wrapped herself tightly so as not to attract attention.

After three days, they finally returned to Chang'an smoothly.

On the pier, a large group of people from Duke Yu's mansion had already surrounded him.

Yu Boyan was supposed to go to court today, but the emperor thought that his daughter would return, and with a stroke of his pen, he happily gave him a three-day rest.

The minds of parents all over the world are essentially the same. I don’t want my children to have a great future, but I want them to grow old in peace.

Although the Holy One is the Son of Heaven, he is also a father. In the past few days, he saw that Yu Boyan was worried and sad every day, so he could understand him very well.

Even though the emperor looked cold and cold-blooded to outsiders, he still loved the children under his knees.

When Yu Boyan received the letter from his daughter yesterday, he felt half relieved. Maybe he hadn't slept well in the past few days, and he had a strange dream at night.

I dreamed that my daughter was halfway on the boat when she encountered strong winds and the whole boat capsized. He went to salvage in a hurry, but he fished out a mermaid who looked very much like his daughter.

The clothes she wore were the pomegranate skirt she often wore, but below her legs were smooth fishtails.

The red color is scorching, and the fish scales on it are shining thinly.

He burst into tears, thinking that his daughter had turned into a weirdo after being buried at the bottom of the sea. Just when he was about to hug her and cry, the mouth of the shark grew bigger and bigger, turning into a huge mouth and swallowing him whole.

He woke up with a start and touched his face, which was filled with tears.

Without calling anyone, he groped in the dark and lit the oil lamp. I washed my face and read the letter over and over again.

I didn't fall asleep again, so I got dressed, sat on the bed, and waited for dawn.

When the first drum to announce the dawn sounded, he led a group of maids, servants, and stewards to the dock, facing the wind, and looked at her ship from a distance.

She was never seen. Just when Yu Boyan almost thought that his dream was about to come true, a huge three-story ship appeared at the junction of the sea and the sky.

A bright red flag hung on the mast of the ship.

Yu Boyan had excellent eyesight and noticed at a glance that there was the word "green" on it, which was an official ship under the governor of Qingzhou Song Dynasty.

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