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Chapter 70: The lights are dim,

  the moon is high in the sky, and the ground is covered with frost. The cold of winter has not gone away, but the feeling of spring has already begun.

  The long street was deserted.

  Boys and girls, wearing new clothes of various colors, wandered among the crowds. Looking from a distance, the dots of light on the clothes, accompanied by the flickering fire, seemed to be covered with a layer of silver and snow.

  High up in the inn, a woman in plain clothes was leaning on the railing, staring around, a smile gradually rising on her lips.

  This woman is Shen Dai.

  A few days ago, she received a letter from Yu Xingyan, inviting her to come and have a chat and enjoy the spring scenery together.

  Shen Dai changed her mind.

  She and Yu Xingyan hadn't seen each other for half a year, and they really missed it... and the Chinese New Year had just passed, and the business of Bingmusi Shop was mediocre, so she didn't need to keep an eye on her as much as before...

  After thinking about it for a while, she agreed.

  It's a long way from Imperial Capital to Lin'an. Shen Dai first took a carriage, then took the waterway, and finally changed to a carriage to enter the city.

  Due to the snow, the originally planned five-day journey took seven days. Although there were escorts from the Yu family along the way, and the passenger ships and carriages were considered comfortable, the hardships of the boat and carriage still made Shen Dai feel tired.

  When the carriage stopped, it was evening, less than an hour before the Lantern Festival.

  "Girl, we are entering the city." The coachman whispered, waking up the woman with slightly closed starry eyes in the carriage.

  Shen Dai lifted the car curtain and saw lights on both sides of the road. She changed her mind and told him: "I'm not going to Yu Mansion. Let's find an inn to settle in first." She was going there now, and

  the people in Yu Mansion had to settle down. , I’m afraid I’m going to miss this lantern festival.


  After tidying up and washing up, it’s time for the lights to come on.

  Shen Dai changed her clothes and went straight to the roof.

  All the guests staying at the hotel had gone out to look at the lights of the city, but she, an idler, had nothing to do, so she was alone from a high place overlooking all living beings.

  In the distance, Wu Nong's soft words in ink tone can be heard, gurgling and vaguely audible.

  She closed her eyes and listened carefully, put two fingers on the red railing, and hummed softly:

  "But this prosperous scene has been turned into a wasteland of mud. How can I not blame him?"

  ... "There is no way back." "Let this body go and don't stay"...

  "Don't forget, don't forget..."

  Her voice was soft and her singing was soft and sad, which made people feel sad after listening to it.

  Shen Dai said a few words, tasting the sadness in the words, and slowly stopped speaking, the smile on her face became much lighter.

  Perhaps it was the bright lights tonight, or the sadness and resentment of the song, but at this moment, she suddenly felt lonely.

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