74 finale

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The grand finale of Chapter 74
is the beautiful spring warmth, the mandarin ducks are hit by the quilt, the smoke is fragrant and the cheeks are red, and they are unable to lean on the thin pillow.

  Xie Jianzhi admired the beauty's lazy and shy appearance for a while. When he was satisfied, he slowly took off the last piece of underwear.

  Yu Xingyan bit her red lips lightly, not looking at his naked body, resisting the tide rising deep in her body.

  "Can't stand it anymore?" Xie Jianzhi's fingers touched the bridge of her beautiful nose, traced her red lips, and smooth chin, and finally opened the skirt of her pink clothes.

  A little rounded arc is looming, beating the frost against the snow, and seems to have a cold fragrance.

  Xie Jianzhi's eyes grew hot.

  He lowered his body, took a deep sniff, and revealed his obsession.

  "It smells so good." He licked his thin lips, his desire and thoughts becoming more intense.

  Yu Xingyan groaned softly in his throat and looked at him with disgust: "Did you take medicine   ?



  If you want something to happen, you need to be fully prepared.

  Wu Da is the first one, medicinal powder is the second, and this mist is the third.

  Seeing that her color was like a begonia and as soft as spring water, Xie Jianzhi knew that the medicine had worked, so he calmed down and waited for the woman to take the initiative to throw herself into his arms.

  Sure enough, as he thought, Yu Xingyan, who had been drugged, twisted her body and approached him like a water snake, and a pair of jade arms gently wrapped around his strong waist.

  Xie Jianzhi was about to close his eyes and enjoy it when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a faint blue light from the corner of his eye. He reacted first and turned sideways to avoid it.

  It's just that a piece of oily skin as big as a fingernail was broken on his neck, and blood slowly oozed out.

  Xie Jianzhi was shocked and angry, "You don't have any Chinese medicine?"

  Yu Xingyan missed the target and fell to the ground.

  She pulled the corner of her mouth slightly, pinched her thigh cruelly, and her vision became clear again.

  Xie Jianzhi stood aside covering his neck and did not dare to approach.

  After waiting for a while, I saw that her breathing became more and more rapid, and her eyes were filled with mist, so she gave up half of her gratitude.

  Only then can I confirm that she is just trying to support herself.

  Undaunted by his evil intentions, he slowly knelt down, picked up the silver hairpin, and observed it carefully.

  The silver hairpin is no bigger than the size of a palm, and the cold light on the head of the hairpin flickers slightly, and one can tell at a glance that it is quite poisonous.

  If Xie Jianzhi hadn't reacted quickly and avoided the fatal blow from the silver hairpin, he might have died here.

  The fear of hindsight made him lose his sympathy for the beauty. Under the dim light, his handsome face was full of ferocity, "If you don't drink a toast, you will have to drink a fine wine. Since you like the ground, then we will Do things on the ground."

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