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Chapter 39

  The white lotus dew is sweet and sweet when it enters the throat. After a small amount of it is applied to the lower abdomen, Yu Heng feels that his lungs are much more relaxed.

  Yu Xingyan felt relieved when he saw her eyes relaxed.

  What Xu Jian said had a big impact on her. Mother Cui mentioned that her sister-in-law's heroic appearance in the past also surprised her. It was difficult for her to connect the chivalrous woman her mother described as traveling around the world and living her life freely with the calm, dignified, gentle and restrained person in front of her.

  Can human temperament undergo such a big change?

  Yu Xingyan was quite confused.

  And that fragrance...

  Although she didn't know what effect this incense had, she had an intuition that it must be something special.

  Yu Heng saw that her niece had frowned since she came in, and occasionally looked at her with a complicated look, which made her feel funny.

  She picked up a cherry and handed it to Yu Xingyan, "Xingyuan sent it here yesterday. Try it."

  Yu Xingyan ate it obediently.

  She deliberately wanted to ask something, and after thinking about it for a while, she changed her mind: "Auntie, are you happy staying in the palace for so many years?"

  Are you happy?

  Yu Heng was stunned by her question.

  This question was asked to her a long time ago.

  She forgot that she was answering.

  She only remembered that after she finished speaking, the man's face instantly turned pale and his body swayed unsteadily.

  Later, her two brothers also asked her this question.

  Are you happy? Of course you are.

  She was favored and favored, and even though she had no children, she, Yu Heng, was still an extremely noble concubine in the harem. No matter how dissatisfied the Queen Mother Zhao was with her, she still maintained some dignity.

  The other lower-ranking concubines respect her and fear her, and avoid her everywhere they meet.

  Although she does not have the title of queen, she is the undisputed number one person in the harem.

  "Well, why do you ask about this?"

  Yu Heng avoided her question, frowned and smiled.

  "I just suddenly remembered it." Yu Xingyan waved her hands and said with a smile, "Wei Yan said this morning that she wanted to go back soon. She said that she felt bored after only staying for one night, but her aunt Being here for ten years, the designation was painful.”

  What she said was not a lie.

  My younger sister, Yu Weiyan, is a glutton for food and sleep. When she was at home, she would make herself some cakes to eat every night after going to bed. Naturally, she got up late and had to sleep until the third watch of the morning.

  Her mother thought she was still young, so she didn't control her too much. She generally turned a blind eye.

  The nuns who kept watch in Yilan Garden would not tolerate her. They would remind her to go to bed and rest at the right time with a stern look on their faces, and they would also restrict her food intake, which made Yu Weiyan feel deeply inconvenienced.

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