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When Yu Xingyan and his party arrived, Bingjifang was completely surrounded.

A woman with a thick waist was crawling on the ground, crying: "Damn this black-hearted shop, it has ruined my daughter's face like this. Since I used this shop's facial cream, my daughter's face has grown longer." The thick sore will never get better! She hasn't been betrothed yet, and you are ruining the rest of her life!"

The black-faced man next to him was holding a broken gong, banging it loudly, and yelling at the top of his voice: "The gouache sold in this black shop contains lead. My daughter only used it once, and she looked like this." !"

As he spoke, he pulled off the curtain hat worn by the girl next to him, exposing her face to others.

A brave passerby stepped forward to take a closer look. After seeing clearly, he was immediately frightened and stepped back a few steps.

Large black spots coiled around the originally white skin, arranged as thinly as a spider web, dividing the face into yin and yang.

The hearts of the women buying in the store jumped when they saw the girl's oozing look. Then they looked at the lip balm, facial balm, and fragrance cream in their hands. They were not cute at all.

The reason why the gouache in this store is so effective is that it is mixed with lead powder!

Applying lead powder to the face can make the skin fairer, but if used for a long time, it will cause endless harm. This girl's face has become like this. It seems that in addition to lead powder, other poisons have been added. They didn't dare to continue using the things in the store.

The three people making trouble made a lot of noise and quickly attracted half the people on the street. Passers-by gathered around and watched the excitement with suspicion.

The woman with a long face responded and said, "My sister-in-law bought this company's body balm, and the next day she had a large red rash on her back. She spent a lot of money to seek medical advice. I thought it was because she was ill. Trying to live up to expectations is not a problem with the balm. The appearance of the daughter's family is the most important, and I don't know how many other daughters' families have been harmed!"

"Yes, yes, my wife was also affected by it. After using it, she developed huge thick sores on her face." A thin man raised his arms and shouted, squeezing in front of the crowd from behind, spitting about the thick sores. How disgusting it is, the huge mole on the side of his mouth is even more distorted by his exaggerated words.

When others heard what they said, they were so frightened that they quickly touched their own skin to confirm that there were no thick sores and no black blood flowing down, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

"So are my siblings!"

"My aunt..."

"My neighbor..."

Although the products from Bingji Factory are expensive, they simply cannot afford them. But adding more firewood and speaking out can always be done.

Seeing that the scene was very effective, the thin-faced man became more confident. He waved his fist and shouted: "A black shop! This is a black shop! Smash this black shop! Smash it!"

The people next to him were infected by the atmosphere and shouted loudly: "Smash it, smash it!"

"Smash it, smash it!"

Yu Xingyan looked at everything in front of him, his hibiscus face was cold and frosty.

It turned out that a group of villains were barking and complaining that there was something wrong with Bingjifang's products, which ruined their appearance. They led a wave of passers-by to look crazy and cheer for them.

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