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Chapter 46: How to solve the problem:

  The bacteria of the dynasty do not know Hui Shuo, and the worms do not know the Spring and Autumn Period.

  Time is like water, and it has passed quietly before anyone can react.

  The first time Zhao Yuan saw the thin lines at the corners of her eyes in the mirror, she was so shocked that she fell off the bed.

  At that time, she was twenty-five years old and had been a concubine for seven years.

  Although he was not favored by the emperor, Zhao Yuan never relaxed his pursuit of his appearance.

  At the beginning of every month, as soon as she got the money, she would exchange it for various colors of makeup. Bottles and jars of balm for face, scented lotion for body moisturizing, scented cakes for refreshing breath, and hair oil for hair care were neatly stacked on her black lacquered carved table.

  She took a look at herself in the mirror and saw that the person in the mirror looked as beautiful as a spring flower.

  When she was a palace maid, she had to do some menial jobs. Over time, the exposed skin became dark and rough. As a concubine, she no longer had to serve others, so she focused all her attention on taking care of her own appearance.

  The emperor was a man who liked the new and disliked the old. If she continued to slack off, she might be gradually forgotten like the other concubines in the harem.

  However, time is like a blade, and it has left its mark on the corner of her eyes and the tip of her eyebrows.

  Caressing his still smooth and tight face, Zhao Yuan beat the bed and cried.

  She tried all kinds of methods, but her skin was still getting darker day by day, and her hair on the temples was gradually turning silver.

  When his son left the palace and joined the feudal clan, Zhao Yuan stood on the tower and looked back at the palace where he had lived for thirty years, with strong unwillingness in his eyes.

  She thought she would spend the rest of her life in Luzhou and die of old age day by day.

  Who would have expected that fate would take a turn for the worse.

  After hearing the peasant woman in front of her talk about the Spring and Autumn Gu she had grown, she trembled all over, and surging ecstasy surged from her blood.

  She looked at her browned hands and almost cried.

  After deposing the first prince, Zhao Yuan had become more than 70% convinced of Zhang Qiongzhi's bewitchment.

  However, there was only one pair of Spring and Autumn Gu, so she didn't dare to take risks, so she just waited for a suitable time to plant the sub-gu. She thought about the host of Zigu for a long time, but she never found a suitable candidate. The palace maids were of low status, so using Zigu on them would be a waste of resources.

  With Gu in hand, she was not in a hurry and patiently searched for a suitable body.

  When her son brought a woman to her, she raised her eyes and looked at her. After a moment, she smiled with satisfaction.

  The relationship between people is so unreasonable. The first time she saw Yu Heng, she felt unhappy.

  Is it her outstanding appearance that makes her feel ashamed? Is it her noble behavior that makes me jealous? Or she was envious of her son's affection for Yu Heng, which made her feel resentful and unwilling.

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