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Chapter 62 Thousand Machines Extinction

  Xu Jian was the only one left in the small room.

  He moved a wooden stool and sat by the stove, looking at the medicine jar in trance. The flames licked the brown bottom of the jar, and after a while, the medicine was ready.

  Xu Jian waited for a while, but Zhang Defu didn't come back. Worried that the concoction would dry out, I added some water and simmered it slowly over a warm fire.

  When eunuch Li Youquan came in, he saw his serious look and sneered secretly.

  He and Xu Jian entered the palace at the same year, and almost at the same time they won the favor of the chief eunuch, and they had a great fortune.

  He entered the Xueqing Palace and served Concubine Yu; while Xu Jian recognized Zhang Defu as his godfather and ran errands for Empress Song.

  The two of them disliked each other, and the master they served was on the opposite side. Every time they meet, they can't help but make insinuations, ridicule each other with their lips, and sometimes even use their hands.

  Previously, Concubine Yu dominated the harem and was pregnant with a dragon fetus, so she was equally popular; Li Youquan and Yourong were the same. Although he never caused trouble, sarcasm and sarcasm were inevitable when facing Xu Jian.

  Xu Jian was afraid of the raging power and could only endure it.

  Unexpectedly, the world was unpredictable, and the imperial concubine actually gave birth. As soon as this incident came out, everyone in Xueqing Palace was in panic.

  Li Youquan was also worried for a while. Soon after, seeing that His Majesty's attitude towards the imperial concubine remained the same, I felt that my worries were unfounded.

  My heart relaxed, and I remembered that Empress Song was in confinement, and the life in Jingtai Palace must be difficult, so I thought of going to the theater. He simply avoided everyone and sneaked over.

  As soon as he entered the door, he caught a glimpse of the other party's gloomy face. Looking again, there were actually five finger prints floating on it, with sharp outlines and a glow of red.

  "What's wrong with your face?" Li Youquan said with a bit of a sour tooth.

  Who could have done it? The force was so strong!

  He touched his face with sadness, and the gloating in his eyes was particularly obvious.

  Xu Jian glanced at him and said nothing.

  Li Youquan was not discouraged. He sighed a few words and moved his eyes to the medicine jar that was simmering slowly.

  "Is this the Queen's medicine?" he said, planning to lift the lid and take a closer look.

  "Don't move!" Xu Jian scolded and slapped Li Youquan hard on the back of his hand.

  Li Youquan was beaten a little confused.

  After regaining consciousness, he suddenly became furious and got into a ball with him. He took off the opponent's hat, pulled out his hair, and the two started fighting.

  Xu Jian didn't expect that he would attack suddenly. After receiving several blows, his anger surged and he began to fight back.

  Stifling, kicking, grabbing flesh, sneak attacks, hugging, throwing, strangulation... The two of them went back and forth, fighting everywhere in a small space.

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