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God is angry and the mountains collapse and the earth is destroyed.

The overwhelming water swept away the turbid mud and rushed down from the top of the mountain with a loud roar.

The water is extremely fast, emerging with a devastating force, and the yellow waves are surging into the sky, vowing to flatten everything.

The soil on Mingyue Mountain is soft, and several small-scale collapses will occur from time to time during the rainy months of autumn and winter. Tuntianlang, who was good at managing mountains and rivers, wrote to the Holy Emperor for instructions. After receiving permission, he personally led the people in the suburbs of Beijing to plant trees in the mountains.

Twenty years later, Fang transformed a large area of ​​ocher-colored land into a lush green forest.

Last night, in order to force them to show up, Ding Yuan's subordinates set fire to the forest. Hundreds of acres of forest were destroyed in an instant, leaving only charred tree roots.

A heavy rain that had been rare in several years, and a land that had lost the protection of the woods, met at such a time, and swept into a roar that could swallow up everything.


Lu Ji shouted loudly.

He walked as fast as flying, and his figure was like lightning. In a blink of an eye, he jumped to Yu Xingyan's side, picked her up, put her on his back, and ran towards the bottom of the mountain with all his strength.

Han Guang and Yu Chen were slow for a moment, and after reacting, they also adjusted their inner breath and followed closely.

Before Lu Qiao understood what was happening, she twisted her body and was quickly put behind her back by Han Guang.

All this happened in an instant. Before Ding Yuan's subordinates could react, they saw the five people running away three feet away.

They turned around subconsciously and unexpectedly saw the yellow mud flow heading towards the foot of the mountain. He was so shocked that he moved much slower than Yu Xingyan and others in a hurry.

There was darkness between the sky and the earth, the clouds were extremely low, and the heavy rain continued to pour down, washing the earth, seeming to destroy all the misfortune, resentment, and darkness in the world.

Behind, is the approaching torrent;

Ahead, there is pouring rain;

Everyone is running between heaven and earth, as small as a drop in the ocean.



A man's scream came from behind.

Yu Xingyan looked back and saw that a hundred meters away, two of Ding Yuan's men fell into the torrent without noticing. They waved their hands and struggled desperately in the yellow wave.

A wave came and swallowed their figures instantly.

Several companions saw this and turned around to pull him out, but failed and were also swept into the water.

In the blink of an eye, a dozen men in black disappeared.

It was like water melted into water, leaving no trace behind.

Soon, only Lu Ji and five others were left on the ground.

No one spoke, and as he ran, he could only hear his rapid breathing coming from the inside of his chest.

Yu Chen, who was at the end of the team, couldn't hold on anymore. His eardrums were violently congested and his heartbeat was beating like a drum. He didn't look back, but he could feel the flood opening its huge mouth on his back, trying to swallow him up.

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