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Chapter 65

  Lu Xuanjing woke up from her drowsiness.

  The excruciating pain disappeared, and apart from a slight physical weakness, I felt no more discomfort.

  The dormitory was empty.

  He called a few times, and then a little eunuch with an angry face rushed to the bed.

  "How long has it been?" He pressed his pulsing temples and asked impatiently.

  "Your Majesty, it's time to tell you."

  Lu Xuanjing pursed her lips and looked out the window.

  The sky is as dark as ink, with occasional stars visible. It was late at night.

  His mind was a little confused and he couldn't quite remember what happened before.

  "Where are the others?" Lu Xuanjing looked around and belatedly noticed the desertedness of the hall.

  "They... they are all in the imperial concubine's palace." The eunuch said tremblingly, his voice trembling like a thin thread.

  The imperial concubine... Heng'er... In the palace of Heng'er.

  Lu Xuanjing was confused.

  Several consecutive days of drowsiness caused gaps in his memory.

  He thought hard.

  After reacting, Lu Xuanjing's pupils shrank suddenly.

  The memory comes back instantly.

  By the way, Heng'er was poisoned!

  His voice became dry and hoarse, and he hurriedly asked him: "How is the imperial concubine? Is the prince back?" His voice was tight, like a long bow with full strings.

  "King Gu is being treated in the imperial concubine's palace." The little eunuch looked uneasy. Seeing his unhappy expression, he hurriedly said: "The imperial concubine is a lucky lady. She will be fine."

  Lu Xuanjing nodded and said in a deep voice, "I'm going to see the imperial concubine." "


  Xueqing Palace was very close. Lu Xuanjing did not take the sedan chair, but walked quickly, the broad sleeves of his robe bringing cool breeze.

  It rained several times in a row, and the road was full of mud and water, which made Lu Xuanjing's boots wet.

  But he didn't care.

  The thoughts in my mind are complicated and my heart is agitated.

  Emotions in this world are mostly so elusive. I don’t know where it started, but it goes deep.

  When he was young,

  his mother wept secretly because of his father's indifference. He saw this and was very puzzled.

  The emperor was ruthless, how could the mother and concubine dream of doting on only one person? What's more, in his opinion, the emperor's exclusive affection was not a good thing. The former dynasty and the harem are of the same spirit, and behind every concubine in the palace stands a powerful mother clan.

  As a son, he sympathized with his mother and concubine; but in a different place, if he were an emperor, he would be exposed to both rain and dew.

  After leaving the palace and going to the fiefdom, his mother and concubine arranged for her to marry the Song family, and he naturally agreed. Later, when he ascended the throne as emperor, the Ministry of Rites advised him to attract beauties and spread their branches, but he did not feel that it was inappropriate.

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