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The days flew by so fast, and in the blink of an eye it was already three days later, and it was time to reconcile with Bingjifang.

Shen Dai walked through the courtyard gate and raised her eyes to see a circle of light blue gauze around the water pavilion.

In the pavilion, a beautiful woman in cool clothes was leaning on the red railing, sniffing the moist water vapor on the lake. There was melon and fruit tea to relieve the heat on the long table in front of her, and the maids were holding round fans to fan her.

"Why are you here so early? You're not avoiding the sun." Yu Xingyan saw her from a distance, with a smile on his face.

Seeing that the visitor's temples were slightly damp and his cheeks were red, she ordered the slaves beside her to get a mat, and hung the best pure water silk on both sides of the corridor pillars.

The breeze blows, bringing a soothing feeling.

Shen Dai wiped the slight sweat on her forehead and replied: "I was busy this morning, so I only have time to find the girl now." She walked in a hurry, and beads of sweat as big as rice grains appeared on the tip of her nose.

"Are you done with the work in the store?" Yu Xingyan asked.

"That's almost it." Shen Dai smiled slightly and said, "How are you doing, miss?" She spoke in a friendly tone.

Compared to her reserved manner when she first arrived, Shen Dai's behavior became much more natural. Seeing that the servant who was serving her was weak, she took the dark green round fan from the other man's hand obediently and began to fan herself up and down.

"It couldn't be better." Yu Xingyan's eyebrows relaxed.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Shen Daifang talked about the aftermath of the incident a few days ago.

"Those three people were arrested by the Jinwu Guards and sent to prison. The person behind the scenes was also found out and is currently being detained in Dali Temple. However, the person in charge seems to have some background. After thinking about it, I always feel unhappy. Safe and sound. So I came to the house to disturb the girl."

Shen Dai frowned slightly and voiced out her inner doubts.

When she was taking care of the flowers and plants yesterday, she saw letters hanging on the curled petals of several peonies. When he opened it, he saw that it was a threatening statement. The general idea is that if she offends someone she shouldn't offend, the consequences will be extremely tragic.

Shen Dai has always been cautious in her words and deeds. If her activities do not go beyond this small courtyard, how can she get into trouble? After ruling out several possibilities, only the incident three days ago remained.

Yu Xingyan pondered for a while.

She knew that anyone who could open a rouge shop in the capital would have a backer, but it was rare for someone to be so arrogant after being imprisoned, which suddenly aroused her curiosity.

Dali Temple...

Yu Xingyan recited these three words silently on the tip of his tongue. The more he tasted it, the more he noticed something strange.

"Don't worry, I'll get to know the people behind the scenes for you." Yu Xingyan smiled.


Lu Qiao on the side heard it and said anxiously: "My father-in-law only allows you to move around within the city, but I don't allow you to go to places like that."

Those locked up in Dali Temple are all criminals. If the girl goes, wouldn't she be putting herself in danger?

Yu Xingyan showed a sly smile: "Of course I won't go in alone. These women will go with me."

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