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When Cuiying came in, she saw that the people in the hall were either unconscious, or their muscles and bones were weak, unable to walk, and lost the ability to resist. She finally felt relieved.

Lu Qiao was surprised and happy to see her walking safely. She hammered her thighs and said urgently: "Cuiying, help me up quickly. Something happened in Zhuangzi!"

Cui Ying said nothing, just put on her face and looked at her condescendingly.

The eyes were stranger than ever before.

Lu Qiao was shocked.

Lightning flashes in his mind connected things.

Just now, she went to the small kitchen to order food and saw Yu Chen and Cui Ying there.

Seeing that there was a slight sweat on her forehead due to the hurry of walking, Cuiying took the initiative to show concern: "Sister Luqiao, I made some pastries. You should cushion your stomach first. It's still early for us to have dinner."

Their job is to wait on people, and they have to wait until the masters have finished their meals before they can make do with some cold dishes.

In order to avoid making a fool of themselves due to hunger and displeasing their master, they often choose to eat some dishes before serving them. Cuiying's suggestion is considered a daily routine.

Yu Chen held a piece of iced cold cake in his hand, and while chewing, he persuaded her vaguely: "This cake is sweet and glutinous, melts in your mouth, and is not much worse than Yunqifang. Why don't you have a piece too?" "

Yunxiu Restaurant is a famous pastry shop in Beijing. It is popular among the people because of its good taste.

Yu Chen said this, it seems that the taste is indeed excellent.

The rejection that reached his throat was swallowed like this. Under Cuiying's expectant gaze, she sandwiched two pieces of cold cake and stopped only when her belly was bulging.

It must be a problem with the cold cake.

Lu Qiao bit her lip and struggled to stand up, but she still couldn't use the strength in her legs, which only made her look even more embarrassed.

She looked around anxiously and saw that everyone was unconscious except Yu Chen who was trying to get up.

It was quiet all around.

"Where are the guards on Zhuangzi?"

How could such a big movement not alarm anyone?

Lu Qiao was shocked and angry.

"You talk about them." Cuiying showed a sarcastic smile on her face, "A bunch of drunkards and ricebags can only look after the owner's home and care for the home. Don't count on them."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dozen young men covered in black cloth walked in, each holding two unconscious guards under their arms.

They put the guards on the ground, stacked them into a small mound, and stood respectfully on both sides.

Following them in was Wu Jiang.

Seeing that Cuiying had succeeded, he put his hands on his hands and laughed: "You are still smart. Otherwise something will go wrong today."

Half an hour ago, Cuiying thought about the predicament at hand, had an idea, and re-formulated the plan.

She returned to her room, dug out a letter of medicine left by her informant from her bag, put the medicine on the pastry, and shared it with everyone in the kitchen.

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