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East Palace.

The waiter who stood with his head bowed held his breath and concentrated his attention, his eyes were watching his nose, his nose was watching his heart, and he was trying hard not to make a sound.

Occasionally, the sound of heavy footsteps resounded in the hall, causing his companions to scold him, "Be gentle with your hands and feet."

When Wei Qi came in, what he saw was a scene where everyone was cautious, fearing that they would be eaten and killed.

Wasn't it fine last time I came here? Why is it like this now?

He was puzzled and was about to walk to the main hall, but Chief Shi Hu Xiude stopped him with a magic hand and reminded him: Your Highness has been in a bad mood these past two days. Why don't you come back another day?

Wei Qi paused.

He and His Highness went to the capital to provide disaster relief. After working hard for half a month, they managed the matter properly and received praise from the Holy Emperor. Your Highness is supposed to be in a good mood right now, so why is he in a bad mood?

Hu Xiude's words not only did not dissuade him, but instead aroused his curiosity.

Waving his hands, he walked in with great swagger.

Behind the ebony screen, Lu Ji's face turned gloomy.

Several staff members are trying to persuade him.

"Your Highness, the daughter of Marquis Weiyuan is dignified and elegant, with a very noble demeanor. Her father also holds military power and dominates one side. If you accept the marriage proposed by the Holy Lord, you can achieve the best of both worlds. Why did you bother to show up yesterday? Did you have a dispute with His Majesty in the royal study?"

Changshi He Congjian persuaded him earnestly.

He is in his forties, has a short beard, and looks tired when he speaks.

Lu Ji remained unmoved, lightly clasped his fingers on the jade case, and said, "I have no intention of her."

He Congjian sighed and looked at each other with helplessness.

After the flood in Gyeonggi Province was resolved, His Highness received the recognition of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Lord Longyan was delighted and excited. He chatted with several courtiers in the imperial study room and revealed some thoughts of arranging the prince's hand in marriage.

Unexpectedly, His Highness the Crown Prince learned of the news and entered the palace in the afternoon.

Your Majesty, Your Highness stayed in the imperial study room for an hour.

No one knew what they were talking about inside, but the waiter Xiao Huangmen said that when the prince left, the emperor threw several cups.

King, king, minister, father, son, son. Although the Holy One is his father, he is also his monarch. It is not the behavior of a qualified prince to make the monarch angry.

He Congjian was worried that His Highness might offend the Holy One, and was also puzzled by his refusal to marry.

For such a good marriage, it would be too late for Prince Qing and Prince Duan to be grateful, so how could they reject it outright? When he had a headache, he looked up and saw Wei Qi, the crown prince of Prince Qi, walking this way.

"Your Highness, please come and persuade His Highness." He Congjian's eyes lit up.

As if seeing a savior, He Congjian poured beans out of a bamboo tube and told the whole story.

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