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Song Zhuoan rushed out and grabbed a guard who was running out of breath, "Where is your highness?"

The guard felt pain, took a breath of air, and pointed in the direction of the city gate: "His Royal Highness is at the city gate, and there is a young woman beside him."

Song Zhuoan was so happy that he didn't pay attention to the second half of his words. He ordered his servants to prepare their horses and ride out.

Naturally, the chief minister of the house also heard the commotion here, and quickly gathered the servants, asking them to clean the courtyard and prepare meals as soon as possible. Remembering that the guard said that there was a girl with His Highness, he ordered his servants to open the warehouse and take out a piece of fine satin.

There is no need to mention the chaos of war.

At the city gate, Lu Ji and Yu Xingyan stood in the middle of the crowd with subtle expressions on their faces.

As soon as the city gate opened, people from the suburbs lined up to enter the city in an orderly manner after being inspected by the captain. Old farmers buying vegetables, craftsmen setting up stalls, and businessmen in rich clothes entered one after another with their heads slightly lowered.

But when they approached the two of them, they straightened their necks in unison and looked at them quietly.

Although their clothes are shabby, their appearance and demeanor are excellent. They stand out from a flock of chickens with the bright moon hanging high. Looking from a distance, they are clearly distinguished from everyone else.

Yu Xingyan has long been accustomed to other people's eyes and doesn't care.

Lu Ji was different.

His appearance is as handsome as a orchid orchid tree, but his temperament is sharp and contrasting.

The officials of the East Palace, the courtiers, and the officials were all aware of the etiquette. Every time they saw him, they would not look at him directly, unlike the people of Yunzhou City. They didn't know Lu Ji's identity, but they simply thought he was handsome, so they often took a second look at him.

After looking at it for a long time, the guards scolded: "Quickly leave! Stop being blocked here!"

The people were not angry when they were scolded, but went forward happily, thinking: I saw a pair of beautiful people today, it is not a loss.

Yu Xingyan felt funny when he saw Lu Ji's eyes were deep and he was obviously not used to such a scene. Taking into account his mood, he did not show it and only said: "Is this Yunzhou governor trustworthy?"

Their trip had so many twists and turns that they were caught off guard. Even after entering Yunzhou City, Yu Xingyan still couldn't let down his guard.

Lu Ji nodded and explained to her: "The governor of the Song Dynasty was strict in his rule and he was an honest man. I have been in contact with him several times before, so there should be no problems."

Lu Ji still didn't say a word.

Song Zhuoan had a neutral attitude and was only loyal to the emperor. He was a lonely minister.

If he disappears for several days, there will definitely be trouble in the court, and he does not dare to get in touch with his cronies. After thinking about it, there are only a handful of people I can trust. Among them, Yunzhou Shili was closest to the two and could send news of his safe return to Chang'an in the shortest time.

While the two of them were talking, a horse appeared in the distance, riding from Qingshi Street.

Walking closer, it turned out to be him.

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