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Yu Xingyan straightened his back, stood facing him, and asked doubtfully: "May I ask Governor Yuwen, how expensive is Geng?"

Yu Wenhuai didn't watch out for her asking such a question, so he squinted at her with his eyes. He snorted coldly and did not answer.

Obviously he didn't take her seriously.

Yu Xingyan smiled and said politely: "It is a pity that Governor Yuwen has suffered from forgetfulness at an early age despite his young age."

Yu Wenhuai was stunned for a moment. Before he could realize what she meant, he was shocked to the spot by her next words:

"My father was born as a Jinshi in the third year of Xianqing's reign, and was appointed by the late emperor as Tanhualang. He served in the Hanlin Academy, Qingzhou, the Ministry of Personnel, and the Ministry of Rites for more than ten years. The imperial concubine is twelve years younger than my father. When she entered the palace, my father had been serving as Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs for three years, and had been praised by His Majesty many times for being "upright, upright, enlightened and good at making judgments". If the time does not coincide, how can it be considered as a shield?"

"It is said that my uncle was promoted from a low-ranking official to governor because he built river embankments in Yongzhou and promoted enlightenment. The local people were grateful to my uncle for his good governance and built a shrine for him to show his merits. Such achievements are worthy of your praise. Isn't it too biased to erase it as soon as White Fang said it?"

Yu Xingyan's voice sounded in the hall, and what he said shocked everyone.

Yes, there is a big age difference between the imperial concubine and Yu Boyan and Yu Zhongxun. They were both Jinshi in high school. When they were officials in the court, she was still a baby. How could she be said to be overshadowing her clan?

Even after she entered the palace, Erlang of the Yu family kept a low profile and acted cautiously, and did not ask anyone to catch her wrongdoing. Even because of avoiding suspicion, the two sons of the Yu family were unable to make further progress in their official careers, which was more like a punishment.

Judging from the time alone, Yu Wenhuai's accusation seems quite far-fetched.

Yu Wenhuai naturally realized this, and his face turned red.

He pointed angrily at Yu Xingyan, suppressing his anger and said: "What a yellow-haired girl, you are very articulate. But no matter how bright your tongue is, it is a fact that there have been no heirs in the harem for many years. This has nothing to do with your aunt."

He did not dare to point his finger at the person on the throne. He only picked on Yu Heng's mistakes and tried to convict her. This sentence obviously touched the heart of the Queen Mother and other courtiers.

The special favor of the pepper house has always been regarded as a sign of disaster. The Shang Dynasty died due to Daji, and the Zhou Dynasty was in chaos due to Baosi. If the emperor's favor is not restrained, countless troubles will surely arise.

Although what Yu Wenhuai said is a cliché, everyone's ears are almost scratched. But no matter how old the words are, they can't keep them from being useful. The words etiquette and law are enough to stick a thousand words in a person's mind into his throat, making it impossible for him to argue.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, everyone in the Yu family looked apologetic and speechless.

Yu Xingyan's eyes swept over the sad faces of his father and uncle, seeing their guilty expressions, and changed the subject: "Prince Yuwen, what do you think of His Highness the Crown Prince, His Highness Prince Duan, and His Highness Prince Qing? "

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