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With a long body and a handsome face, who else could he be if he wasn't the prince Lu Ji?

Zhang Quan was completely sober.

He took a breath and said with an apologetic smile: "Your Highness, I was just joking. Nonsense words cannot be taken seriously."

Song Ting, who came later, also heard his brother-in-law's arrogance, and his face suddenly darkened.

This kid, what are you yelling about?

If his wife Zhang hadn't been crying and pleading, saying how miserable her brother was living in Dali Temple, he wouldn't have made this trip on purpose.

Just looking at the wine bottles here and the man who was obviously drunk, it shows that he is living a happy life here.

He felt a little angry that he had been deceived, but thinking that there were outsiders present, he couldn't say anything. He pretended to scold him a few times and said to his nephew: "He is drunk. He is talking nonsense. Your Highness, please don't argue with him."

Lu Ji's eyes were fixed on Zhang Shen for a moment.

"Uncle, you said that he was wrongly accused, so you asked me to come over and release him. But when I see his situation, it is quite different from what you said."

His eyes quietly glanced at Yu Xingyan a few times, like a dragonfly touching water, making it difficult to detect.

On the side, the moment Lu Ji spoke, Yu Xingyan tightened his cuffs.

She looked at the person in front of her in surprise and suppressed the surprise in her heart: How could this voice sound so similar to the man in the dream!

Uncle Song Guo secretly said that he was not good at it, so he covered it up and told the story in a more exaggerated way.

When Lu Ji heard the words "Bingjifang", he paused for a moment and raised his eyelids to look at him.

It turned out that this person was the mastermind behind what happened that day.

Song Ting didn't know that Lu Ji had already witnessed the whole thing that day, but he still boasted: "Shen Dai from Ice Muscle Shop deliberately planned what happened that day. He was not aware of it and fell into the evil trap." He was filled with righteous indignation: "I just looked at him. Those who have grown up know him very well. What happened that day was a misunderstanding."

Lu Ji said "hmm" and did not expose him. He only said: Since it is a misunderstanding, then bring up the relevant people for a public trial. "

"Han Guang, go and invite Wu Deyu and let him be a witness."

The man with a scar on his face responded and went out with Wu Laosi.

In that room, Wu Deyu was resting on the table. When he heard the servant coming to report, he lost most of his sleep. He straightened his red robes and came quickly.

As soon as they entered the small courtyard, they saw the three people who had been sent to prison the day before yesterday being dragged like dogs into the hall.

He calmed his expression, squeezed out a smile at the right time, and greeted Lu Ji and Song Ting. After catching a glimpse of the beauty in the room from the corner of his eye, he looked puzzled: "Is this? -"

He has been busy with official duties all year round, and has always only heard of the female members of the aristocratic family but never seen them.

The beautiful girl in front of me is very strange.

"This is the eldest lady of Duke Yu's family." Li Yu introduced her thoughtfully.

Wu Deyu nodded and thought to himself: She is a bit more beautiful than the imperial concubine back then. She is indeed the most stunning beauty in the capital.

The Crown Princess is unparalleled in beauty ( MtlWhere stories live. Discover now