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Chapter 44 Burning Incense (2)


  With a pull on the reins, the carriage quickly stopped in front of the two of them.

  Han Guang raised his eyes and saw a familiar face appearing on the car curtain, and was overjoyed for a moment.

  "Miss Yu! Why are you here?"

  he asked happily.

  Yu Xingyan nodded and smiled, "We took care of some urgent matters." Her eyes fell on the two of them, as if wondering: Why are you here too?

  Lu Ji understood the look in her eyes and did not answer. He only lowered his eyes and glanced at her: "It's raining heavily. You should return to the palace as soon as possible."

  He took a small step back without leaving a trace.

The space  under the eaves was small, and after Yu Xingyan came in, it became even more cramped. A woman's unique fragrance came forward by itself, filling Lu Ji's nasal cavity all-pervasively, making him stiff all over.

  He secretly held his breath and stopped looking at her.

  Yu Xingyan raised his neck slightly and looked at him.

 She had a rough look in the car, but when she got closer, she noticed that half of the man in front of her was soaked by the rain. The water stains spread out on his clothes and flowed down in winding traces.

  Lu Ji had always been a reserved and extremely powerful man in her mind, but at this moment, he seemed a little more fragile and lonely in her eyes.

  Yu Xingyan thought for a moment that he had seen it wrong.

  Her gaze descended inch by inch from his slightly damp temple hair and long eyelashes with rolling water drops, and landed on his pale lips.

  She did not ask him what happened, but said softly: "It will rain for a few more hours. Your Highness, please come back with me. The carriage is spacious and can accommodate four people."

  Just as Lu Ji was about to spit out his words of rejection, Han Guang next to him sneezed loudly at this moment.

  Lu Ji's expression froze.

  Seeing that several people were looking at him, Han Guang looked a little apologetic: "I can't control—" before the remaining word "stay" came out of his mouth, he was drowned in a series of sneezes.

  "Guard Han is out cold. Get in the car quickly." Lu Qiao stood beside the car and said with concern.

  She remembered Han Guang's previous care for her, and she couldn't help but feel a little distressed when she saw his pale face and haggard expression.

  The day turned so fast, who knew how long they had been in the rain?

  Lu Ji's eyes fell on Han Guang, he thought for a moment and responded to Yu Xingyan's words.


  There were two people when we arrived, but when we returned, four people were already sitting in the carriage.

  Because Lu Ji and Han Guang were caught in the rain, Yu Xingyan lowered the car curtain and handed them two thick coats.

  "Miss Yu's things are much more complete than before."

  Han Guang came to his senses and was a little surprised to see her conjuring various small objects from the top of the car.

  Yu Xingyan smiled and said, "You will gain wisdom if you suffer. I don't want to sleep in wet clothes anymore."

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