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Chapter 59 Memory:

  Yu Xingyan couldn't sleep because of doubts in his heart.

  At 11 o'clock in the evening, she was lying on the bed in the bedroom, thinking.

  The bed is as soft as a cloud, and it's the most comfortable place to sleep. Now it has lost its appeal to her.

  She frowned and thought hard, her delicate little face full of doubts.

  The mother's attitude, the inexplicably familiar name, the vague uneasiness... there are so many distracting thoughts, but I don't know how to start.

  Write it down first.

  She got up, originally planning to write some clues in her notebook.

  When I opened it and took a look, I felt something was wrong. After thinking about it, I simply picked up a pen and lifted the hem of my pajamas a few inches.

  There should be no problem with this answer.

  She smiled with satisfaction.


  midnight, the weather changed suddenly.

  A storm was coming, and the sky was as black as splashed ink. Occasionally, purple thunder flashes from the distant sky, bringing great power.

  Cold rain poured in through the half-open window. The cold wind blew in all directions, awakening the sleeping girl.

  Yu Xingyan trembled slightly, tightened the quilt, and was about to go back to sleep, but felt that his arms exposed in the air were cold and uncontrollable, so he simply resigned and closed the window.

  After finishing all the movements, most of the sleepiness disappeared.

  She secretly hated herself for not looking at the weather forecast. She got off the bed a few times, picked up the cell phone beside her pillow, and glanced at the time.

  4:34 am.

  It's early.

  Yu Xingyan kicked off the soft quilt a few times, trying to fall asleep again.

  To no avail for a long while.

  Simply turn on your phone and start spending time on major apps.

  Gossip is a common feature of human beings.

  She first read a few silly emotional posts with relish and felt very satisfied; then she lingered on a few anonymous posts for a long time and clicked in with hesitation.

  In the dim light of the mobile phone, Yu Xingyan watched attentively, his nerves getting more and more excited.

  After reading more, the software began to make recommendations based on her preferences.

  Yu Xingyan clicked "Not interested."

  Until a post called "What interesting things happened when you studied abroad" jumped into his eyes.

  I'm familiar with this. I have stayed in Australia for three years.

  She rushed in excitedly, and was about to edit a long article and write some old stories about Liu Zi, when suddenly her scalp became numb.

  She couldn't remember.

  Nothing comes to mind.

  She only had memories of the first month when she first arrived in Australia, and then she went blank.

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