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Chapter 52 added

  the last dish of tea, which made Yu Xingyan feel some pressure.

  The color is like clear water, and the taste is like sweet spring, without any trace of bitterness. If it weren't for a few green leaves floating in the teacup, she would have almost thought it was sugar water.

  She frowned slightly and tasted it carefully, only to realize the difference between it and the previous nine.

  This tea has a cold fragrance, as if picked from the stamens of plum blossoms, and has a feeling of cold snow water. When it enters the throat, it feels very comfortable, and a refreshing feeling seems to come over all the limbs.

  She closed her eyes and thought deeply, and a very beautiful picture of picking tea in winter seemed to appear before her eyes: catkin-like snowflakes falling, wintersweet trembling slightly on the branches, hanging in bright red in the cold wind. A young girl walks in the snow to look for plum blossoms, brushing the branches one by one with a small brush. Then she carefully stores them in an urn, and will gently take them out next year.

  Plum blossoms boil in the snow, the fragrance is endless.

  I see.

  Yu Xingyan closed his eyes and smiled, suddenly enlightened.

  These green leaves are originally the most common cloud tea. After being cooked for many times, the tea has a very light taste. The sweetness of the plum snow gradually emerges, creating a unique tea flavor without the tea flavor. Experience.

  The cloud and mist tea is the appearance, while the plum blossom and snow are the key points of the tenth tea.

  "I know."

  Lu Ji saw the woman beside him smile brightly, and then he picked up a pen and wrote the last few lines on the rice paper.

  [Gui: The plum blossoms are mixed with snow, and the clouds and mist of Cangshan Mountain are mixed. 】

  Yu Xingyan dried the ink on the paper, straightened his skirt, and walked forward with his head held high.

  The woman in yellow was chatting with a few people around her, and was slightly shocked when she saw that she ended the tea ceremony so quickly.

  Next to her, a woman in purple clothes saw the graceful movement of Yu Xing Yan Lian, nodded and said: "When I saw her yesterday, I had a hunch: She is absolutely extraordinary. She certainly lived up to my expectations. "Expectation."

  The woman in purple was responsible for determining the appearance of yesterday's female dependents. The first time she saw Yu Xingyan, she was struck by her appearance. She felt that such beauty was rare in the world. Observing her behavior and demeanor, she seemed to be as ethereal as a fairy, and I had a lot of interest in her at that time.

  Now, she was the first to finish the exam. The girl in purple felt that she had a unique vision, and there was some appreciation in her tone.

  The woman in yellow snorted, "It's not certain whether she can answer the question correctly, so please be patient."

  After saying this, Yu Xingyan walked in front of several examiners. She nodded slightly to them, handed in the papers, then turned around and left.

  The girl in purple and the girl in yellow looked at each other, hurriedly unfolded the test paper and looked at it carefully.

  Maoyanberry, moonlight white, red jade tea, half-sky demon... fragrant in one color, nazhu tea, clouds and mist in Cangshan Mountain.

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