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Chapter 47 Mist

  "No!" Queen Mother Zhao was the first to object.

  She looked at her son and explained: "Your Majesty has a body of ten thousand gold, how can he be personally involved in danger? Once you leave the palace, there will be trouble in the previous court. The Ai family does not agree!" She was worried on her face, but in

  her heart I have cursed Zhang Qiongzhi countless times.

  Just now in Kangren Palace, she swore to herself that there would be no antidote. But listening to what Chen Tao said, it seemed like there was hope.

  Now that she saw that her son was planning to run into danger for the sake of the Yu family, the Queen Mother Zhao became even more angry.

  Yu Boyan also shook his head and sighed: "I don't know whether I will live or die here, not to mention that the person behind the scenes has not yet been brought to justice. If Your Majesty leaves rashly, the harem will no longer be intimidating, and may be reborn. Troubles. No matter what, the imperial concubine cannot bear the next time she is killed!"

  He cast his eyes on his pale sister. Thousands of words in his throat all turned into a long sigh.

  The man's hands were so high that he was frightened.

  The many deep palaces were like a deserted land in front of her, and it was easy for her to plan to harm others.

  Who in the harem can have such a palace. Concubine De, Concubine Li, or some concubine who is not favored?

  Everything was like seeing flowers in a fog, making him unable to understand. If you think about it carefully, everyone has the possibility of doing evil.

  In such a critical moment, the Holy Emperor must not leave the palace without permission. He needs to sit in the harem and intimidate Xiaoxiao in the dark so that they dare not act rashly.

  How could Lu Xuanjing not understand this, but Yu Heng was in danger, how could he sit still and wait for death.

  He must save her, no matter what the cost.

  "My decision has been made, you don't have to say anything. Zhongshun, pack your bags and leave later!" He ordered in a deep voice.

  The expressions of everyone in the hall changed, and they were about to dissuade him, but were shocked to the spot by his angry eyes.

  "Your Majesty, I have something to say." When the atmosphere was tense, Yu Xingyan's gentle voice sounded in everyone's ears.

  Lu Xuanjing softened his expression and said, "You tell me."

  He would always be patient with the Yu family.

  Yu Xingyan leaned over and said, "My daughter is willing to go to the place where King Gu is and get the antidote from him." There was unquestionable determination in her voice.

  As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

  People who come to ask for medicine have never succeeded. Where does she have the confidence to get the antidote? What Chen Tao said is already very clear: King Gu has a ruthless temperament, and no one can pass the checkpoints he has set up, so he must have laid many killing moves.

  She, a boudoir girl who had no power to tie a chicken, volunteered to be a tassel. Even though the imperial concubine was her sister-in-law, it was not worth risking her own life to save others.

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