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Chapter 41 Old Things (2)

  It was a crisp autumn afternoon when Song Weiluo met Yu Heng for the first time.

  Her daughter Lu Ling is ten years old, but Xu is very attached to her because she has been with her for a long time. She is obviously a half-grown girl, but she has to be coaxed to sleep every day.

  After coaxing her daughter to sleep as usual, Song Weiluo rubbed her arms and returned to Jingtai Hall.

  The afternoon sun shone lazily, and she leaned on the couch, resting her forehead on one hand, closing her eyes and falling asleep.

  "Empress, your cousin has come into the palace to see you. She is waiting in the side hall now." The palace maid next to her called Chu Xia in a low voice.

  She raised her eyes and asked, "When is it?"

  "It's not even two moments yet." Chu Xia replied respectfully.

  Song Weiluo nodded, stood up, changed her clothes, and asked Zhao De to call her in.

  After greetings, her cousin talked to her about what happened a few days ago.

  "Mother, you don't know how dangerous that day was." My cousin sipped her tea, paused, and said in shock, "When the carriage of the Hou Mansion passed by a hilltop in Jiangzhou, it encountered bandits. . Those guards usually seem to be quite skilled, but when they encounter danger, they are as weak as chickens. They have not even beaten dozens of people. In a short time, they are all dead."

  The leader of the thief was worried that when he attacked the woman in green, his men would shoot cold arrows from behind, so he stopped thinking about fighting her and planned to retreat first.

  A few people are unwilling.

  They saw Mrs. Zhou dressed luxuriously, with gold hairpins on her temples and white jade on her wrists. She looked wealthy and powerful. They thought she might not have handed over all her things, so they planned to search her body and check out the car. Chariot sandwich.

  Their opinions differed, and internal strife arose.

  I don’t know who made the move first. Within a few breaths, they were fighting passionately.

  Mrs. Zhou was watching from the side, and was so shocked by the turn of events that she couldn't recover for a while. And the woman in green clothes was crossing her chest with her hands, watching the excitement with interest.

  When the battle situation became clear and most of the thieves' leader was used up, the woman in green took out a long whip from her waist and cleaned up the remaining soldiers.

  "Your Majesty, that woman's physical skills are very good. The whip in her hand is as flexible as a snake, and no one can match her at the point of the whip." Mrs. Zhou's eyes were bright, "Later I asked her, do you whip? The method is so good, why didn't you use it from the beginning? But she told me that if you can fight with your wits, you will never use force. Using brute force is what a martial artist does, and she doesn't want to do it."

  "I have never seen such a bold girl in my life. Most women in the capital follow the rules, but how can they be so carefree and unrestrained like her? This time, my horizons have been opened."

  Zhou said that she was thirsty, so she drank a large cup of herbal tea for herself and sighed.

  "Whose girl is she?"

  Song Weiluo couldn't help but become a little curious when she heard that someone lived so unrestrainedly.

  Zhou covered her mouth and smiled.

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