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Chapter 63 Prajna World

  "Lu Ji!"

  "Lu Ji!"

  The man's voice became more and more anxious. Call him repeatedly.

  Lu Ji's consciousness had already fallen into darkness, but this short shout brought him back a little.

  Who is calling him? Lu Ji frowned and thought hard. It sounded like a woman's voice.

  His eyes rolled and his breathing gradually became rapid. Just as he was about to wake up, black mist suddenly surged around him and enveloped him.

  The shadowy phantoms kept approaching him, and unclear whispers and curses penetrated everywhere.

  Lu Ji's consciousness was confused again. The whole body was instantly submerged in the thick fog.

  The mist penetrated from his ears and nose, and went straight into the depths of his body. Step by step, conquer the city and capture the territory.

  After a while, he swam near his heart.

  Lu Ji was indifferent, as if he had stopped breathing.


  At the critical moment, a pair of small jade-white hands suddenly appeared, lifted his collar, and reached into his heart chamber.

  After touching the weak heartbeat, the owner of the hand paused, then crossed his fingers and pressed down heavily.

  The heavy pressure came dullly, instantly pulling Lu Ji back from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

  Lu Ji's chest jumped suddenly and he opened his eyes.

  The first thing he saw was a woman's reddish eyes. Then, a deep and shallow green hit his eyes.

  A vast wilderness was reflected at the end of his field of vision.

  There are endless green giant trees that can hide the sky and the sun, and there are countless low trees here and there, forming magnificent ancient scrolls.

  The soil underfoot was soft and wet, and there were piles of dry leaves.

  The world is far away, and it seems that they are the only two living people in the vast mist.

  "Lu Ji, you finally woke up." Yu Xingyan said excitedly.

  She almost cried with joy.

  She thought they couldn't get out.

  Yu Xingyan was extremely happy when he found Lu Ji's figure in the dense forest. When I got closer, I found him leaning against the root of a tree, with a look of pain on his brows.

  Yu Xingyan tried to save him by himself, guessing that he had fallen into an illusion and tried to wake him up.

  Pushing, slapping, and shouting, I worked for a long time, but to no avail.

  Seeing that his breathing became weaker and weaker, his face became pale, and Yu Xingyan felt anxious.

  In the midst of the crisis, she suddenly gained wisdom, recalled the medical books she had read before, and decided to stimulate his heart.

  As long as Lu Ji in the illusion did not block the pain, then he might wake up.

  She felt that judging from King Gu's behavior, it might not leave people with a glimmer of hope.

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