Ch - 15..

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In the hospital....

The doctor came and said: " Taehyung's treatment has been done now, he should come to his senses. He lost a lot of blood, he should open his eyes within 12 hours otherwise he will be in a critical condition". (Leave) was crying a lot after hearing this.

Jungkook couldn't see this, he consoled Mrs Kim and said : "mamma, don't cry, doctor has said that taetae has been treatment and he is fine now he will regain consciousness".(Try to hide tears)

11 hours later............. : "jungkook...jungkook,(cry) my little Taetae still hasn't regained consciousness, I'm feeling very scared, w...what if , Taetae doesn't regain consciousness? Bunny please do something"...(Brust itno cry)

Jungkook held's hand and said : "noo.....mamma... This will never happen he will come to his senses, I will bring him to his senses.(Mrs Kim nodded) told jungkook to go to the room.
(Jungkook nodded)

Jungkook opened the door, he sat besides Tae and held his hands and started crying, he saw Tae unconscious, his head was bandaged, his hands were bruised.

Jungkook (silently) : "this all happened because of m-me...if...if I had not sent him a...alone to get icecream, he would not have been in the today".(Cry)

He placed his head on Tae's chest and fell asleep.

After sometime.......

When Jungkook woke up, he saw that he was sleeping on Tae's chest and mr. And were talking  to Tae.

Taehyung had reagined consciousness..


English is not my first language so  give my mistakes....💜💜💜

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