103. To You I Belong

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"You ready?" Cupid smiled as he stood at the foot of the tree where Sloane and Draco had their first kiss. She couldn't think of a more sentimental place for the binding than there.

Draco nodded eagerly. "Absolutely," he smiled looking towards Sloane. He could sense that she was just as excited and curious as he was, but he still wanted to hear the words for himself.

"Definitely," she said standing facing Draco now, looking into his eyes as a pool of red rose in her cheeks. "What do we need to do?" She looked towards Narcissa and Joanna who were smiling widely, holding onto each other in excitement. When they had set off for the tree they happened upon Hermione, Blaise, Ginny and Harry before bumping into Luna, Ron, Theo, and Daphne as well, who simply followed the group without hesitation.

"I have no idea what is happening," Ron chuckled as he followed the others down the grass embankment. "But I am excited."

"Good," Sloane smirked. "Because we are going to sacrifice you to the pagan Goddess Novak for a full harvest." She looked back to see Ron had stopped walking.

"She is kidding right?" He gave a nervous laugh and then looked around him. "Right?" He asked again when no one answered.

"This is going to be good," Blaise laughed as he clapped Ron on the back and walked on.

"No, but Sloane is one person I don't underestimate," Ron whispered to Harry and Hermione as he caught up with them. Sloane could hear all. "Maybe the Americans hold sacrifices?"

Sloane turned and smiled, sticking out her tongue and giving a rock sign, like a member of Kiss, a band she had been introduced to back in America. This is absolutely nothing to calm Ron's nerves and when they all stopped at the tree he was on high alert knowing that anything could happen. What he wasn't expecting was for everyone to stand smiling around Sloane and Draco as they gazed into each other's eyes to the point that Ron felt like he was intruding on a private moment. Luna was beaming to the left of Ron, who was still clueless as to what was happening.

"OK, let's get this show on the road," Romeo smiled looking around the audience that had gathered. "It's nice to see you again," he smiled to Hermione. "And Harry, I have followed you for years. I am glad about the turn of events that brought you here."

Harry was confused, having no idea what he was saying, but he smiled. "Em...thanks." But he pulled Hermione closer to him, just in case.

"Everyone is here to bear witness to the binding of Draco and Sloane." He lifted his hand and clicked his fingers as a satin white rope appeared in his hand. "I use this rope to bind the souls of Draco Malfoy and Sloane Sage. I do, so solemnly swear that I this pair are in fact Ceangalanam. Two souls that have come together, connected and formed a bond that no other person or creature can separate." He lifted the rope, and it rose into the air by itself, floating and glowing, moving around almost in the way a snake would slither.

Romeo, lifted one of Draco and one of Sloane's hands, holding them together, intertwining the couples hands. "You are all here and shall bear witness to the combining of Draco and Sloane's souls." He moved his hand in the air and the rope began to fall slowly landing on their intertwining hands. The rope moved again, slithering around their hands, before winding tightly, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

Draco was mesmerised by the whole thing. He was sure it didn't look like much to others, but he actually found it very uplifting. The rope had a warmth to it as it moved around his hand and Sloane's it was like running your hand under warmth soothing water. The glow was almost mesmerising. Draco was watching the reflection in Sloane's eyes, the usual blue colour being overpowered by gold.

"What the power of love has bonded, can no one break," Romeo smiled. "Together you become one body, one mind, sharing your thoughts, feelings, and secrets with each other." Draco smiled as Sloane winked at him, catching his eye. "This is a gift, the two of you have been given. May you never feel lonely again, you shall be each other's light in darkness and guide when you are lost. You have proven to all that you belong together, and it is wonderful that once again you have found each other as I hope you continue to, in this lifetime and every other."

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