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The room is quiet

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The room is quiet. Too quiet. Her thoughts are in a whirlwind, some of panic, some of determination, some of complete and utter dread. This is really happening.

Her name was called. She's been reaped. She's going to the Capitol. She's going to be in the games.

She's been training for this her entire life, but somehow, she doesn't feel prepared. But who would be? No matter how much you train, nothing will compare to the real thing.

The complete and utter hopelessness she feels at this very moment unlike anything she has ever felt before. Chances are, she will die in that arena. And today will be the last time she ever sees the ones she loves.

All the moments in her life so far feel like they've come into play now. What she did and didn't do. The choices she made and the paths she took. The people she let in and the ones she pushed away. Would she still be here if she hadn't ever taken food from peacekeepers? Or if she'd been old enough to get a real job? Or maybe if she had just died like she should've in the raid two years ago?

She has so many unanswered questions, so many things she hasn't gotten to experience, and maybe even people she hasn't met yet that would change her life. But now it looks like that won't ever happen.

The door creaks open, and a peacekeeper escorts her mother and Ivana into the room, and she barely has time to react before her younger sister has buried herself into Nova's arms, and she's trembling. She seems so afraid.

"You have three minutes."

Three minutes is too short to say goodbye. But she'll have to make do with what she's been given.

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay."

Ivana's voice is slightly muffled from her shirt, but she can make out a few words.

"No! You can't go."

Nova's heart nearly shatters. She's so afraid of her being killed in the arena that she's trying to deny it.

"M' so sorry, Iva. I don't have any choice."

Ivana doesn't say anything else, just clings to her sister for a moment longer, know this could be the last time they will ever see each other. After she pulls away, Nova turns to her mother, who has been standing slightly apart from her daughters.

Elira Blackthorn will not cry. She needs to be strong for her daughter. That's what mothers are supposed to do. But when her little girl hugs her, and she's shaking in her arms, her resolve wavers. That's not the whole of it.

What fully breaks her is when Nova says something to her in a barely audible voice.

"Mama- I'm scared."

Elira pauses. Her precious little girl is scared. And there isn't she can do to take away her fear, no matter how hard she tries. So, she does the only thing she can; comfort her before she's taken away.

"I know, I know. But you're so strong. And smart. And capable. You could win, Nova."

She shakes her head softly, still clinging to Elira like a small child clinging to their mother. And in a way, that's exactly what it is. Nova may be fifteen now, older and wiser, but she was once a small girl who relied on her mother. A small part of that little girl still exists inside of her.

"You can. You're my little girl, and I know you better than I know myself. You are so brave, baby. So brave. You can beat them."

Nova pulls away from her mother, her eyes panicked, and visibly gulps.

"You think so?"

Elira cups one side of her daughter's face in a maternal embrace, trying desperately to cling on to what could be her last moments with her daughter.

"I do. You are skilled, brave, and determined. I have faith you can make it home."

The doors open, and a peacekeeper comes back into the room and begins to usher Ivana and Ms. Blackthorn back out.

"Time's up."

Ivana tries to reach out one last time, but is yanked away by the peacekeeper, and yells out as she's being dragged out.

"We'll see you soon!"

The door shuts with a resounding slam. But before she can even attempt to sit down again, two people are shoved through the door, with a peacekeeper yelling out.

"One minute!"

Bryony immediately wraps her arms around Nova, in an almost ribcage-crushing hug.

"God damn it, Nova."

"I know."

"You have to kill those sons of bitches, okay? Don't let them get you."

"No guarantees."

"I'm serious."

"I know."

As soon as Bryony lets go, Silas comes running in to take her place, his arms wrapping around her middle, since he's considerably shorter than her.

"It'll be okay, Silas. I promise. Don't take any extra food from them, it's not worth it. Ivana can teach you how to fish, alright? I'll be back before you know it."

Silas pulls away, his soft brown eyes filled with tears.

"You better be. You still have to teach me how to hunt."

"I know. I will."

The peacekeeper comes back to escort them out, but not before she manages to get one last thing to Bryony.

"Watch out for him."

Bryony nods. As she's tugged out, she turns back to look at her best friend and says one more farewell.

"See you around."

They're both pulled out, the door shutting, and Nova is once again left alone with her thoughts.

This is it. The last time she'll be in her home district, maybe forever. No more fishing with Ivana. No more arithmetic lessons with Bryony. No more lunches with Nico. No more sewing with her mother. No more races with Silas.

Everything she's ever known up to this point has suddenly been ripped away from her. Every memory in that house is haunted now, every person she's ever loved left behind in this place.

Maybe she could've run away, but it would've only made things worse for everyone, including her. Her family would've been killed, or worse. That wouldn't even be worth it at that point.

Where would she have gone anyways? There's nowhere to run. There never has been, and there never will be. The Capitol knows everything about everyone, and they don't take kindly to people who don't obey their every command.

The time soon comes to be taken to the train. She and Nico are escorted to a car that takes them to the station, and the Capitol official, Salome, tells them all about the luxuries of the Capitol.

But both of them are too busy thinking about all the things they're leaving behind.

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