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She's been dressed in a tight-fitting, almost aqua dress, with sequins and ruffles galore

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She's been dressed in a tight-fitting, almost aqua dress, with sequins and ruffles galore. Her shoes are the same color to match, and her hair has been done in tightly curled waves.

Calix leads her to the elevator, one that will take them to the backstage area for the interview, along with all the other tributes. There are twenty four in total, and her and Nico will go after the first three districts.

However, they have one more stop to make before heading up, and that stop is to grab Nico from the tribute quarters. He's already been dressed, and should be ready to go.

It's only a few moments before the door slides open, to reveal a pretty damn snazzy, as Finnick would call it, looking Nico.

Calix has dressed him in a shimmering beige suit, with implements of blue to match Nova's dress, with a black pair of dress shoes.

"Not a word."

Nova raises her hands in mock defense.

"I was gonna say you looked nice, but never mind. Don't let me compliment you."

The two tributes share a tiny smile. They're not really arguing. It's just what their friendship is like. Banter a little bit, roughhouse, that sort of thing. Nothing too outrageous.

The silence and seriousness of the situation is lingering in the air, wishing more than anything they could be back in district four, laughing and messing around like they wouldn't be facing a possible death sentence.

Tonight is about making the crowd love them. Root for them in the arena. As sick and twisted as it is, it's crucial to gain sponsors.

The elevator doors open with a small ding, and all three step out. Calix turns to both tributes for what is one of the final times.

"You got put in a terrible situation, but you have both put on brave faces and pushed through. I'm so proud of you."

Both tributes give sad smiles. It actually means a lot coming from Calix. He may have started off as just their stylist, but he had started to become a friend.

They're ushered into the room with the other tributes, taking their places in line behind the tributes from district three, Koios and Cortana.

Even though they're backstage, Nico and Nova can hear bits and pieces of what each tribute says.

Aurelius Wyrmbane.

"I'm going to win. There's no doubt about it."

Vicuna Ashenbrook.

"I will not fail, and I will make my district proud."

Cyril Hawkswind.

"I think I'm perfectly capable of winning. I've been training my whole life for this."

Prima Stonegate.

"When it comes down to it, I will eliminate the boy from my district if I have to."

Koios Arcanum.

"None of this is fair. I've been ripped away from my family and my home."

Cortana Blanchi.

"I'm not trained like district two or one. But I think I have a shot at winning if I'm careful."

The time comes for Nova's interview. Deep breaths. Be charming, charismatic, and a tad bit arrogant.

"From district four, some of you have nicknamed her 'The Siren'! But we know her as the beautiful Novalie Blackthorn! Give her a warm round of applause!"

She tries to bring her confidence to the surface as she walks on stage, all while trying to avoid the blinding spotlights. Caesar takes her hand and kisses it, and she barely resists the urge to physically revolt.

Nova sits down as elegantly as she can, producing fake laughter at Caesar's introduction. Be charming. Be charismatic. Be a bit arrogant.

"Welcome, welcome! That was quite a riveting entrance you made at the tribute parade the other day. Care to share the details?"

"Well, I can't take all the credit. My wonderful stylist, Calix had the idea. And it certainly worked out in my favor."

She's putting on her best face, being flirty for the crowd, acting like she's better than everyone. It's what the crowd devours, like her interview is a ravenous feast being served on a silver platter.

"It did. You two looked magnificent. So, tell me, Nova. Do you know your district partner well? You two seemed rather close."

"I do. He's not just my district partner, he's my friend. I've known him almost my whole life. It's truly a shame he was reaped alongside myself."

"Indeed it is. Tell me, do you have people rooting for you back home? Family, friends? Perhaps a lover?"

Nova laughs, patting Caesar's arm. Playing the part of a victor.

"Caesar, you cheeky man. A lady never tells her secrets. I do have family and friends back home. I can only hope they're rooting for me."

"I'm sure they are. Mind telling the people a little bit about them?"

Nova hesitates. Does she really want to reveal information about the people she cares for? Calix's words ring in her head.

'𝘎𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘢 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸.'

"I'd love to. There's so much to tell, I don't even know where to start. I have my lovely mother, Elira, and my younger sister, Ivana. Oh, Silas, too. He's just a little boy, almost a foot shorter than anyone else his age."

"Guess he hasn't hit his growth spurt yet. He will soon, we hope."

"Then there's Bryony, and Nico, of course. They're my best friends."

"Well, I'm sure they're all very lovely people. I have one final question for you before you go. Do you think that you have what it takes to win?"

"Yes. I'm prepared to take down anything and anyone that gets in the way of my victory."

"You're quite confident. I love that. I suppose we'll see."

Caesar stands up, and so does she, as he takes her hand and lifts it up in the air.

"Ladies and gentleman, give one last round of applause for Novalie Blackthorn, district four!"

The crowd thunders with roars of excitement as she's led off the stage, and Nico gives her a small thumbs up as he passes her on the way to the stage.

His interview is relatively the same, as Nova watches from the sidelines. After he's done, both of them are led back to their quarters, and changed out of their fancy outfits.

They go straight to bed, although there's not much chance of sleep. There's no need to talk, not anymore. They both know what comes tomorrow.

The beginning of the end.

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