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"What if we picked fruit or something?"

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"What if we picked fruit or something?"

Nova looks at her friend with an incredulous expression.

"You cannot be serious, Nico. The only fruit in here are nightlock berries."

"Yeah, you're right. So how exactly are we gonna eat tonight?"

"I think there are still some supplies in the cornucopia. But who knows if any of the others are guarding it."

"So, we have two options, then. Risk going to the cornucopia for supplies or starve to death. Neither one sounds particularly fun."

"Yep. What should we do?"


Nico drops down from the tree mid sentence.

"-I don't know about you, but I haven't lived this long just to die of starvation."

"Me neither. It's gonna be dangerous. But anything is, really."

"Exactly. Are you comin' or not?"

"You're crazy if you think I'm letting you go by yourself."

Nico holds out his arms in greeting, beckoning for her to come down from the tree as well.

"C'mon, then. Let's go."

Nova sighs, shaking her head softly. She looks down at her friend one more time, before jumping down from the tree quickly.

"If you get me killed I'm swear I'm gonna haunt your ass, Nico."

"Looking forward to it."

They've been sticking together for the past few days now, ever since Nico found her after the tracker jackers. It's been good to have a familiar face to ally with.

Even if they're not just allies. Even if they're best friends. Even though they both know how this ends.

But somehow they can't bring themselves to talk about it. Not now. Neither wants to think about it.

Right now, it's about survival for both of them. Unless it comes down to them as the final two. But as people say, cross that bridge when you get to it.

Six more had died in the past few days, two of them killed by Nico and Nova. The games had been going on for over a week at this point, and most, if not everyone, was tired of it. They were ready to either die or emerge as the victor.

There had been Koios Arcanum, district three. He had been killed by the male career from district one, Aurelius.

There had been Sadira Albellot, district seven. Murdered by the boy from twelve, Flint.

There was Rivet Elmsong, district six. He'd eaten nightlock berries without any hesitation. Whether it was merely an accident, or he'd done it on purpose, they would never know.

Skinner Biddercombe, district ten. He'd been ambushed by the boy from ten, Calico.

Fraser Xenides, district eleven. Beheaded by Nova during a scuffle by the frozen river.

Cortana Blanchi, district three. Neck snapped by Nico after she ambushed him on his way back to their camp.

It was brutal, sick, and violent. But what was someone to do other than shed blood to stay alive? There was no other choice. You can knock on death's door, or you can be the one to open it for others; simple as that.

The cornucopia is in sight now, the corpses of fallen tributes littered around it. It's a gruesome sight, but it only serves as a reminder of what's truly at stake here.

"There's three up there. The careers from one and the boy from twelve. He's probably their guard or some shit."

"What do you want to do?"

The two district four tributes are concealed behind a few snow-covered trees, peering through the branches at the cornucopia.

"We need to create a distraction. Draw the careers away."

"How do you reckon we do that?"

"Start a fire, maybe."

"Ground is too wet, it wouldn't stay lit."

"Okay, what's your brilliant plan, then?"

"The jabberjays. Create a loud noise that they'll copy, and once the careers are gone, we can get in there. Take out the boy from twelve if we have to."

"Mocking or cries of distress?"

"Which one will anger them more?"

"Mocking. Definitely."

Nova briefly grips his hand in a temporary farewell, nodding in agreement.

"I'll be back in a minute. Keep watch till' then."

"Got it."

As she goes off to find the jabberjays, Nico resumes his position of watching from the trees. Please let this work, or we're both screwed, he thinks.

Soon enough, the sound of mocking cries fills the air, and it catches the attention of the careers almost immediately. They both take off in the direction of the cries, leaving only the boy from twelve as the guard.

"C'mon, let's go. Before they come back."

Nico nearly jumps out of his skin at the sound of her voice right near him but shakes it off quickly as they sneak up to the cornucopia. This guy has to be the all-time worst guard. They walk right behind him and he doesn't even notice.

They grab the bag meant for district four quickly. The head gamemaker had dropped them off two days ago, but the careers from one had been watching them like hawks.

They grab a few weapons that were left behind, all while Flint remains oblivious to their actions. That is, until he doesn't.

As they're leaving with their supplies, he turns around and makes direct eye contact with Nova. She freezes, but only for a moment. Just as he opens his mouth to call out for the careers, she grabs him, clamping a hand over his mouth and holding her sword to his throat, warning him to stay silent.

"Not a word."

Flint doesn't move, his hands up in surrender; not like he has much choice other than to comply, of course. Nico finishes grabbing a few extra things from the cornucopia, and the boy from twelve is dragged out to the edge of the forest.

As soon as Nova removes her hand from over his mouth, both district four tributes take off, and they were right in doing so; as Flint yells out for the two careers as soon as he can open his mouth.

Once Nico and Nova get a safe distance away from the cornucopia, they're able to scale up a tree once more, and peer through the leaves to see the two district one tributes return and become enraged that some of the supplies are missing.

They've managed to avoid them so far, but that strategy won't work forever. Eventually they'll have to face them head-on, whether they like it or not.

Poor Flint Ellerbrock, though. Upon returning to the cornucopia, Aurelius was not very happy, and took it out on him. He died almost instantly, being stabbed through the head.

That could only prove further how little tributes meant to anyone; how expendable they were. One wrong move and you were completely screwed over.

They had started off with twenty four tributes in the arena. Now they were down to a mere eight. These games would be one to remember.

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