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The shock of being reaped has mostly worn off now

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The shock of being reaped has mostly worn off now. It's more so been replaced by a numb feeling. One of existential dread. The games are not something to be taken lightly. When you're reaped, you know you'll either die or be a victor. No in-between because twenty-three go in and only one can come out.

The train whirs past buildings, the incredibly fast shapes making Nova slightly dizzy if she looks at it for too long. The train car is silent, neither tribute knowing what to say.

"What are we gonna do?"

She turns to look at Nico. He has the same blank expression as her.

"I don't know. I'm not gonna kill you."

"We don't have any other choice. One or both of us are going to die in the arena."

"I know. But there's no way I'm killing you."


"You're my friend, Nico. Friends don't do that type of shit to each other."

"Okay, and you're my friend too. But that's not gonna matter in the games. It's everyone for themselves out there."

"Maybe it is. But if you're gonna die, I won't be the one that does it."

"You might not have a choice."

"I'm not gonna let it get to that point."

"You don't know that you can stop it."

Before their conversation can be continued further, the sliding entrance door to the car opens. Both Nico and Nova sit up straight in their seats, their shoulders rigid. It must be the district four mentor. It has to be one of the two from the stage earlier, Mags or Finnick.

Apparently, it's both, as Mags and Finnick step through the door. Mags gives the two a sympathetic smile. They're both just kids, of course. But she knows Nova on a personal level and gives her a motherly pat on the cheek as her and Finnick approach the two tributes.

Finnick's eyes scan over the two careers from district four. They're relatively young to be going into the arena. But then again, so was he, and he won. Maybe they're not completely helpless.

He vaguely recognizes the two, the girl more so than the boy. She's been around Mags quite often, apparently Mags and the girl's mother go way back. The boy is more just one of those familiar faces he's seen around the district.

Both of them have to be around the same age as him, if not younger. Sure, they're both career tributes, and they've been trained from a young age. But are they truly ready to go into the arena and fight for their lives?

Mags is here with him, considering he's a little young to be a mentor, but is obligated by the Capitol to be here. This will definitely be interesting. First order of business is to make sure he heard their names correctly at the reaping.

The boy is tan-skinned, pale blonde, blue eyes. His build is decently fit, might have some chance of surviving in the games.

"Nico Mavros, correct?"

The boy looks surprised that someone pronounced his name correctly.

"Yes, sir."

"Drop the sir. No need for formalities."

Nico nods, although his posture doesn't relax. Finnick turns to look at her.

The girl is brown-skinned, with pitch black hair, and dark brown eyes.

"And you are... Nova Blackthorn, right?"

"Yep. In the flesh."

Finnick narrows his eyes slightly at her blatantly obvious sarcasm. This girl has some personality that could help her get sponsors, if he can teach her how to use it to her advantage.

"And you're both how old, exactly?"



Both fifteen. Not too bad. Finnick can work with this. They're not too young to learn but also not too old to where they won't listen to a mentor.

"You two have been trained as careers, but you didn't ever volunteer for the games. Even so, that has no matter now. You've been reaped, and there's no way to get out of it."

The unwavering gaze and silence from the two tributes is slightly unnerving. Finnick is used to seeing all the tributes that get reaped be all emotional. But these two could rival even the most stoic of people. They just seem like they've accepted what's happened.

"Nico. What are your skills?"

"Well, I can hunt and fish. I'm pretty good at combat."

"Okay, we can work with that. What about you?"

"About the same. I can make traps too."


"Just for... deer, rabbits and fish. That sort of thing."

Nico quickly jumps to the defense of his friend, who is clearly undermining her own skills.

"She's bluffing. She can kick my ass in combat. And she's better at hunting than anyone else I've ever seen."

Nova turns her head to glare at him and hiss his name in whispered tones.


Finnick smirks at the banter between the two, even in this serious of a situation. He had come to her defense so quickly, but she wasn't accepting his backup. These were actually decent tributes. District four hadn't had those in a while, until him last year, of course.

"You two might not be half-bad."

"So, are you saying one of us might actually have a shot at winning this thing?"

"Not quite. I said you might not be half-bad. But that isn't going to save your skin in the arena."

"Okay, so what can we do to increase our chances?"

"Listen to your mentors."

Nova barely suppresses an eyeroll at the arrogant nature of the boy in front of her.

"Then give us some advice that's actually important."

Finnick's smirk slightly falters, but only for a moment. This girl, Nova, is bitter. She has fire in her could be used to her advantage. To make the Capitol love her.

"You two are very... different from other tributes. Most look like they're going to burst into tears as soon as they get on the train."

"Well, that's their problem. Not ours."

"You'd be right about that."

"When do we start?"

"I want to know what your grand plan is for giving us a shot to win."

"Well, first off, drop the attitude around me. I'm here to help you survive, not bring you down."

"Yeah, I got that."

Finnick sighs. It seems like Nova always has to have the last word.

"Just get settled into your rooms on the train. We'll talk more tomorrow."

"Aye aye, captain."

She just made a damn pirate joke. For being tributes, these two sure don't seem to be taking this very seriously. Or perhaps, it's just a facade to cover up how they really feel.

Finnick understands. The Hunger Games are no laughing matter.

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