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"Nico, building a fire at night in the arena is basically a death sentence

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"Nico, building a fire at night in the arena is basically a death sentence. They would come for you as soon as they saw the smoke."

"It doesn't have to be like that. Not if I conceal it."

"And how exactly do you plan on hiding a fire, you dimwit?"

"First of all, I am not a dimwit. Second of all, there are so many ways you can conceal a fire."

"Sure, like what?"

"A lot of different ways!"

"See, you don't even have a way to do it!"

"Got any better ideas?!"

"I don't know, maybe not dying as soon as you step foot into the arena?!"

It's the second day on the Capitol train, and it's like a warzone. Finnick's tributes have been arguing since practically sunrise. First it was over who should sit where, then marmalade and toast, and now it's survival tactics.

He feels like he has to be the responsible adult, but the thing is, he's still just a kid himself. The same age in fact. It feels strange to be here as a victor now. Just last year he was here as a tribute heading to the Capitol.

Nova and Nico have been a bit more... aggressive today. Does he know why? No, but it more likely than not has something to do with the upcoming games, rather than something that's personal between the two.

Watching two tributes as old as him fight over God knows what, and he's basically powerless to stop it, in terms of also being literally fifteen. But before he can say or do anything, the Capitol official from the reaping slams her hand down on the table, breaking up the argument within a second, both tributes sitting up straight in their chairs.

"Quit with the unpleasant bickering, you two. There will plenty of time for that in the arena."

Nico feels a wave of uncertainty wash over him. Plenty of time for that in the arena. She thinks they'll turn on each other. That won't happen. He hopes.

Nova doesn't feel like listening to this snobby, posh woman, but she's one of them. A Capitol citizen who could probably ruin their lives if they came across the wrong way.

So, instead of letting her bitterness unload onto the woman, she grits her teeth and digs her nails into the arms of the chair slightly, and keeps her mouth shut. This isn't district four, it's the Capitol. With people in power who could take everything away from you in the blink of an eye.

She isn't even sure why her and Nico are arguing. She guesses it's probably a buildup of everything. Leaving district four and their families, being introduced to a life of immense luxury, facing potential death in the arena.

Finnick can see the unease within the two tributes. They very clearly despise this woman, although they're holding it back completely. He can appreciate that. But their gazes are also filled with something else; a deep and burning hatred for the Capitol.

The official leaves after several moments, and it's like the tension in the air has been slightly lifted. The only good thing she had done was break up the argument. Back to mentoring, he supposes. Although most of the words coming out of his mouth had been from Mags telling him what to say.

"We need to talk about sponsors."


"Yes, sponsors."

"And sponsors are what, exactly?"

"Exactly what it sounds like. Sponsors are people in the Capitol who send you things in the games that could end up saving your life."

"So, how do we get sponsors?"

"If you want sponsors, you need to be well-liked, fawned over."

"Got it. How are we supposed make people like us?"

"It's really not that hard. You just have to be charming. Be smug, arrogant. Like the entirety of the Capitol is beneath you, and so is the games.

The two tributes are still staring with slight expectancy, waiting for him to elaborate further.

"First of all, work on your attitude. It may fly in district four, but here it won't. You need to smile, but not too much. Engage with the crowds, but not to the point where you're just sucking up. Be playful, but not so much that it seems like you aren't taking it seriously. Be friendly to the other tributes, but not too friendly, that'll make them think you're weak; that you're an easy target."

"So basically, be well-liked, charming, and prideful, but not so much that you seem like a kiss-ass or an easy to kill tribute."


"Seems relatively easy. I hope."

These two seem a slight bit nervous, but not to where they'll break down crying on stage with Caesar. These tributes are in some way different from other tributes from four. They haven't cried once or even gone on a complaint rampage.

Nico and Nova are trained career tributes, and while they may not have volunteered for the games, being that strong will prove useful in the arena. They both have that spitfire in them, the one he hadn't seen in many others. He could only hope the Capitol wouldn't try to extinguish it, and if they did, he hoped they didn't succeed.

Finnick wasn't even nervous. Although he was merely a kid himself, he could feel that was something unique about these two. Or in more his terms, he thought they were pretty damn cool.

But being cool wouldn't help them in the games. Being skilled and strategic would. Being brutal and violent would. As harsh as it might've seemed a long time ago, it wasn't seen as such now. Now it was all about the excitement, the gore, the horror of it all.

It was a sick and twisted little game for the Capitol's entertainment. But there wasn't much anyone could do about it right now. Finnick knew that. Nova and Nico know that. But most of all, the Capitol knows it.

They know the districts are so afraid of the power they hold, they wouldn't dare speak out against them. Because Snow would do something to them or the people they love. Something terrible.

Something that was a fate worse than death.

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