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"Dear honorable citizens of district two, it is with heavy hearts that we

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"Dear honorable citizens of district two, it is with heavy hearts that we... gather here today to commemorate your fallen tributes of the Hunger Games."

It's the second day of the victory tour, and today is district two. Cyril Hawkswind and Prima Stonegate. Or in simpler terms, the girl she stabbed through the eye and the boy she shoved off a mountain.

The crowd is understandably angry, and she would be too, if she were in their position. If she'd been family of one of the careers, she wouldn't want to hear any bullshit speeches about how sorry the victor is.

But somehow that's not at the top of her priorities right now. With the ongoing victory tour, and Snow's deal looming over her head; there's almost no room for anything else.

So, she pushes it down. Shoves it all down so far not even she can reach it. At least for now. She looks back out at the crowd, and wipes a brand new expression onto her face.

"While we understand the pain and sorrow that comes with losing these brave- these brave individuals, let us not forget the importance of their sacrifices in upholding the tradition, and unity of our great nation."

Not a long speech. Just get through it and go. Just get through it. Just go.

"Let their memories serve as a reminder of the strength and resilience that unites us in these trying times."

Her throat tightens, the thoughts of what's been going on trying to push their way out. The red too Calix had dressed her in suddenly feels suffocating. 


"May we honor their legacy by coming together in solidarity and continue to support our beloved Capitol. Together, we shall persevere and emerge stronger than ever before."

"And Panem today, Panem tomorrow, Panem forever. Thank you."

There's a scattering of quiet applause. Not that she minds, anyways. The last thing she needs is more ringing in her eyes.

She steps back inside the justice building, and gives the cards back to Genevieve as usual. Nova's desperately trying to do it one day at a time; then she can go home.

That is, until she's summoned by President Snow for her... arrangements. She's still having trouble processing that she actually agreed to it.

But she knows she did because she knows what Snow is capable of. He's greedy, manipulative, bloodthirsty. Cruel, inhumane, vindictive. Psychotic.

And he won't stop at anything to make the life of a victor a living hell.

"There's someone who wants to see you."

Nova's head lifts up from where it's resting on her knees to look at Genevieve.


"A blonde woman, said her name was Diana Mavros."

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