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"Stop staring and act like you belong here

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"Stop staring and act like you belong here."

"How? They're all dressed like they were born from a unicorn's ass."


"Alright, fine. I'll shut up. Jeez."

They've finally arrived at the Capitol, after a long time on the train. It hadn't seemed like so long at first, but as they sat still, time seemed to move slower.

There is so much to look at here. The citizens, the lavish structure, the heaps and heaps of food. The Capitol really has been living in luxury while the districts dry out. 

They have yet to meet the other tributes; Mags says they'll begin training first thing tomorrow. But for now, they're being ushered off to Capitol stylists who will scrub them even cleaner than they already have been. The Capitol frowns upon imperfection. 

Her legs are waxed, painfully, she might add. Her clothes from the train are taken away, and she's put into a blue cloth gown, which is surprisingly comfortable. She has two stylists, a man and a woman. She doesn't know his name, but is pretty confident the woman's name is Annalise.

She wonders where Nico is. Is he getting the same treatment right now? She tries not to worry too much. Finnick said they would regroup right after they're all dolled up, as he would say. After what seems like years, she's taken to another room and instructed to lie down until her main stylist arrives.    

Eventually, the sound of a door opening makes itself known, and Nova sits up, her legs dangling off the side of the table. Into the room steps a man, clad in dark blue from head to toe, with light brown skin, jet black hair, and round wire-framed glasses. He looks friendly enough. Friendly-ish, at least.

The man sits down on a tall stool next to the table, adjusts his glasses to peer at her, then back down at what seems to be a outfit sketch.

"You'd be from district four, correct?"

"Yeah. I'm from the fishing district."

"I'm aware. What's your name?"

"Nova. Nova Blackthorn."

Her last name seems to catch his attention, his eyes looking at her in curiosity.

"Blackthorn? As in, Elira and Malik Blackthorn?"

"Uh... yeah. Elira is my mother."

"What a coincidence. I used to know your mother and father quite well. How are they doing now?"

"My mother is doing fine."

"And your father?"

"Dead or gone. I don't particularly care for him either way."

"I see. My name is Calix Winthrop."

Nova nods. She's not very impressed with the citizens of the Capitol, but he seems to be the most decent one she's met so far.

"I'm very sorry that your name was called during the reaping, but I can't do anything about that."

She barely refrains from giving him an incredulous look, one that says it's very obvious.

"However, I am here to help you in any way I can."

"You'd probably be one of the first to say that. People back in my district said congratulations."

"Well, the truth is sometimes people say nonsense things before they think about it. In this particular instance, they're basically saying, 'Congrats on getting what's basically a death sentence, see you never, I guess'."

Nova lets out a slight snicker, and quickly tries to cover it. But Calix notices, and chuckles.

"You like jokes? I got more jokes for days. You want to hear another?"


Calix grins. Nobody ever takes the time to listen to his comedic side. But this girl does. It's a shame she's a tribute going into the games. A real shame.

"Okay, so, at a party, a young wife admonished her husband. 'That's the fourth time you've gone back for ice cream and cake. Doesn't it embarrass you?' And you know what the husband says?"

"I'm a rich fat bastard who loves cake?"

"Close, but no. He says, 'Why should it? I keep telling them it's for you!'"

"Seriously? That's a dirty move."

"Guess he really lacked self-cone-trol."

"You just had to add the ice cream pun, didn't you?"

"Yes, yes I did. Now, back to business."

The somewhat lighter mood that had been hovering for a brief moment drops like the silence of a pin at those words.

"Tonight is the tribute parade. We're going to get you out there, flaunt you to the Capitol citizens."

"So, you're basically gonna make me look good then, right?"

"More or less. I'm here to help you make an impression; get people to like you so they might sponsor you later."

"Sounds like a plan, I guess."

"Good. Now, since you're from district four, which is the fishing district, we're going to do something a little bit different. Stylists usually dress their tributes in the clothes from their district; but I want to add a little flare to it. Something special so people won't forget you."

The plan seems so much more complicated than it actually is, according to Calix at least. There's going to be some sort of fountain of water surrounding them, but they somehow won't get drenched. Sounds a bit impossible to her, but she doesn't question it.

Calix has dressed her in much fancier clothes than she's used to. District four may have been better off than other districts, but they were nowhere near this rich.

She's poked and prodded at a bit before Calix waves his assistants off. She's been dressed in a flowing, shimmering, gown, with sea green as the main color with touches of purple and blue all around and on it. It feels like such a lavish gown, and she's got slick black heels that shine in the light. 

Her eyes are covered in dark sea-green makeup and decorated with pearls lined under and above her eyes. And finally, to top it all off, she has a beautiful, extravagant, yet weightless crown on her head, made out of conch shells, turret shells, and a gorgeous gem in the center, along with two sleek silver chains that drape over the side of her face.

She feels expensive. Calix is making final touches to her look, before they meet up with Nico right before the chariots arrive.

"I feel like a starfish or something. And I feel like I'm wearing far too expensive clothing."

"It's just money, honey, you look wonderful. Now all you have to do is hold onto the chariot with Nico and impress the hell out of those sponsors."

"I don't know how to impress them. Or make them like me."

"Well, you impressed me. Do the same with them. Just be yourself, but with more flare."

"No promises I can do that. But I'll try."

"Good. Now let's reconvene with the others."

As they head out, all Nova can think is of Calix's words. Just be yourself with more flare.

Shouldn't be too hard, right?

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