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"Tell me, how did you feel when you realized you'd won?"

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"Tell me, how did you feel when you realized you'd won?"

She turns to face Caesar once more. Nova had been dressed in a shimmering green dress with high heels matching in color, with very simple makeup. 

Calix had been relieved to see her alive. But he knew what had happened to the other tribute from district four. He'd seen how Nico had gone out. It had been awful.

But he'd kept his mouth shut when styling her for her victory interview with Caesar. The events were too raw and fresh to rehash right now. No need to make things more painful.

"I felt relieved that I would bring pride to my district."

Caesar nods, patting her hand.

"I'm sure they're very proud of you."

Nova laughs, putting on a fake smile for the crowd.

"I'd certainly hope so, Caesar."

The entire thing had been phony, she only said things that would make crowd laugh; things that would keep President Snow pleased. He had too much power to be disobeyed. 

She had been given a victors' crown, by Snow himself. She'd had to look in the eyes a man who was responsible for so much suffering.

But she'd accepted it with dignity and grace, responding with only short and cordial sentences to Snow's statements.

And now she was on her way back to district four on the train. To see her mother and Ivana. To see Silas and Bryony. She wasn't sure how they'd react to seeing her after everything.


She turns her head to see the one and only Finnick Odair looking at her with a curious expression and a slight grin. He feels familiar in a good way.


They've grown closer in the past week. Suppose similar trauma can do that to people.

Finnick is incredibly fond of her. In what way, he's not sure. But he can't act on it regardless. Not with the Capitol watching both of them.

Nova has come to see him as a close friend. Not that she has the mindset to think of anybody in more than a platonic way right now.

"Are you afraid of going back home?"

"A little."

"Why are you scared?"

"I guess I just don't want them to see me differently."

"If they truly love you, they won't see you any different for what you had to do in the games."

Nova smiles at him softly. A smile that's reserved only for him.

"I hope that's true."

The train soon arrives at the station, and slowly comes to a stop in district four. She can hear the cheers of the crowd through the train car walls. She takes a deep breath before she steps out of the train.

There are many people from across the district here, excited to have another winner from their home. As much as she appreciates the applause, there's only four people she's worried about seeing. That's who her eyes are scanning for in the crowd.

After a moment, she spots them. A waving Silas perched on Bryony's shoulders, flailing his hands excitedly. She's smiling at Nova, but it's tinged with sadness. There's a mutual understanding when their eyes meet; one over the loss of Nico.

Her mother is there too, her eyes shining with pride. Elira Blackthorn has never been prouder than she is right now; for her daughter being able to come home. Ivana waves from where she is, all bright smiles with teeth and enthused bouncing. They're happy to see her.

If there was only one good thing to come out of being reaped, it was this. Getting to come back home to those she loved. The crowd disperses after a long while, and Nova is cleared to hop off the train.

Silas is the first to come running to greet her, and she crouches down so he has an easier time trying to hug her. He's visibly glad that she's returned, so much so that he's nearly vibrating.

"Hey, monkey. I missed you."

"I knew you'd come back! I knew it!"

She hugs him tightly, almost shedding tears of relief. He hasn't changed one bit in the time she's been gone. He's still the same freckle-faced, ginger-haired sweet kid. She ruffles his hair gently before she pulls away and stands up, and he giggles.

Ivana is the next to come forward to reunite with her sister, arms wrapping around her middle in a tight embrace.

"You actually did it."

"I told you I'd win, didn't I?"

Elira Blackthorn watches her daughters interact with a fond smile. They're both overjoyed to see the other again, but something is off about Nova. She has a certain look in her eyes. But she's still her eldest daughter so she puts the thought aside for later and goes to hug her daughter.

Bryony stands off to the side. Her eyes drift down to the still healing wound on Nova's neck. She'd seen what had happened to her. And what happened to Nico. But regardless, she was glad one of them came back. 

For a moment, Nova thinks she may be upset with her. But that all washes away the moment Bryony brings her into her arms for a lingering hug. There's an aura of evident loss surrounding the two, and they are two of the only few people that are feeling grief over him.

Bryony's eyes are slightly teary when she pulls away, setting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"You good?"

Nova nods.

"Yeah. Just... uh, give me a minute and then we can go home."

Her best friend shoots her a knowing look but allows her to go over anyways. Nova heads over to where the only two victors from district four are. Mags opens her arms in invitation for a gentle hug and it's immediately reciprocated. 

"Thank you, Mags. For everything."

Mags gently smiles, and signs to her, telling her this will definitely not be the last time they see each other. She responds by signing that she looks forward to it. Mags heads off, leaving only Finnick and Nova still at the train station.

Finnick's hands are clasped behind his back, wringing them a bit. She makes him nervous in a good way. She makes him flustered, though he's good at hiding it.

"I guess this is goodbye for now?"

"Appears that way."

She does something unexpected then, bringing him in for a hug. She smells like gentle wood and sea salt. But that's not what catches him off guard; it's the gentle peck of a kiss she presses to his cheek. Finnick can barely refrain from blushing.

"I should, uh- get going."

But he can't keep the smile off his face as he looks at her. She's completely and utterly gorgeous. And she has him wrapped around her finger, whether she knows it or not.

He turns to walk away, and is stopped after a moment by her voice calling out to him.



"Please don't be a stranger."

Finnick smiles faintly. He wasn't planning on it.

"Don't worry. I'll see you around soon."

She smiles back daintily, her pearly whites peeking through her lips.


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