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"Hold it steady, Si

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"Hold it steady, Si."

"I'm trying. It keeps moving."

Silas huffs, glaring at the crossbow like somehow his intense stare will make it stop misbehaving.

"It keeps moving because you're moving. You have to hold it still. Relatively, at least."

They've been out here for over an hour, after Silas dragged her out of bed to go hunting. She'd almost wanted to decline completely, but she knew she'd made a promise to teach him to hunt.

She gently takes the crossbow from him, aiming it at the deer they've been watching. Technically, they're not supposed to be out here. At all, because it's illegal. The Capitol was basically throwing this fact in their faces; there are resources out there, but you're not allowed to have it.

"Just watch."

She lines up her eyesight so she can peer directly over the crossbow at the deer, watching as it's head perks up at a twig snapping.

It's rare that there are deer in district four, so when one sprints through the Meadows, suddenly everyone and their mother wants to go hunting.

She exhales quietly, her eyes trained on the deer's head, and her pointer finger resting on the trigger. Aim. Steady. Fire.

The deer stops moving, the sharp arrow piercing straight through it's neck as it keels over.

There's a split second where the sound of the arrow sounds like a knife being unsheathed, as it echoes through the air.

She sets the crossbow down, and nudges Silas.

"C'mon. We need to drag it home before we get caught."

Silas nods, and the two of them divide up the meat, some to bring home, and some stowed away for the winter. They're headed back to the house when the sound of voices catches their attention, and they duck into a large cluster of bushes.

Three peacekeepers pass by, and luckily, they don't check the bushes. Silas may be young, but he knows good and well you don't ever want to be caught by a peacekeeper. Waiting with bated breath for only a moment before slipping through the woods.

It's not often they have such close calls, but when they do, it's never easy. The peacekeepers in district four aren't known for being forgiving. Several of the residents can attest to that. 

The victory tour starts later today, with the first event scheduled a bit after suppertime. A camera is being brought down to the victor's village, and it will be broadcasted live to Caesar Flickerman's stage for all of Panem to see.

The kitchen is a bit more lively than normal, if only by a few people. It had been Elira's idea, of course. A proper send off before the tour, as she called it.

The house was a great deal bigger than the small home they had lived in before the games. Sure, it was nice to have more resources, and not be starving to death half the time. But this house would never truly be her home.

When Nova and Silas step into the house, they're greeted by a few murmurs of hello, as Nova sets the game bag down on the counter.

"Got some deer today."

The meat is immediately taken out of the bag and sliced up, set in the oven to cook. There's no music playing of course, apparently even with all the riches and jewels there's still no room for leisure.

"I see you got lucky hunting today, punk."

She looks up to see Alex, looking a bit worse for wear, but still the same. He's grown out his beard a little bit, and his hair seems to have gotten a bit darker since she last saw him.

They've grown closer since Nico's passing; which makes sense in way. They were two of the closest to him.


A small smile lights up Nova's face as she goes to greet him, grateful to see a familiar face again. Alex has grown to see her as a younger sister, just as Nico had.

He pats her on the back lightly as he pulls away, and feels a somewhat sharp pang in his chest. Almost of melancholic origins.

When Alex looks at her, sometimes he sees his brother. He sees his brother's best friend, who is still grieving the loss of him. She was a girl that Nico had protected to the best of his ability, to the very end.

She's been distant; not that it's a surprise. Going through what she did would make anybody go crazy. He doesn't quite understand what she went through, but he knows enough.

"Nov, come set the table!"

Ivana calls over to her sister, holding a stack of plates and cups. She's quick to set the table for supper, there isn't an infinite amount of time before it's showtime.

There's a knock at the door after a few moments, and she's closest to the door.

"I'll get it."

When she opens the door, she's met with a dazzling grin and a head of golden blonde hair.

"May I enter the threshold, milady?"

"Do you have fine salmon for my table, good sir?"

Finnick looks down for a moment, his mouth curling up slightly at one side, trying not to burst out laughing at their entire gig they have going. With a heavy sigh he exclaims,

"Unfortunately, I do not. We're fresh out of lavish fish delicacies."

"Oh, such a shame. I'm afraid you'll need it to gain entry."

She's having a hard time keeping it together, and lets out a small snort as he tries not to crack up.

"Alright, c'mon. Before you and Mags catch hypothermia from the rain."

Finnick chuckles, shaking his head, and steps through the door, Mags on his tail.

After a few moments, they're standing side by side at the counter, chopping and slicing ingredients for supper.

"Did mama invite you?"

Finnick laughs, a twinkle in his eyes at her question. His pearly whites peak through his lips when he smiles.

"Mhm. She did."

Nova could almost be annoyed at her mother, but she knows she never means any harm.

"She's worried about me. You are, too. I can see it in your eyes."

It's true; Finnick's eyes show the utmost of concern for her.

"You don't need to be. I'm fine."

"You don't have to be strong all the time, y'know? It's okay to let people in."

Nova huffs out an almost humorless laugh, shaking her head.

"No, I know. But I'm fine."

"But you don't need to be. What you went through in... there, it would drive anybody mad. I'd be more worried if it wasn't effecting you."

There's a mutual understanding between them. They are two of only three people who truly know what it's like. It's almost comforting to have that.

Two sides of the same coin, perhaps.

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