Chapter 4

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"We've been through this like ten times already." Khaotung let out an exasperated sigh. "I told you, over and over again, I don't check what customers give me."

"The issue isn't what they give you!" First slammed his hand against the counter. "It's that you don't reject them. Just look." He grabbed fistful of the bank notes and quickly flipped through them again, counting the little notes. "Five phone numbers. They wouldn't have given them to you if you weren't so-"

"So what?" Khao slapped his hand. He's gotten decent amount of tips stuff into his pockets every shift, but never checked it until he got home, where anything that wasn't cash ended straight in the bin. "So what exactly?"

"So flirty!" First run a hand through his hair in frustration. "Guys hit on you, all the time, because you're so...that!" He gestured towards Khao's half open shirt and styled hair. "It's infuriating, and it makes me feel so inadequate-"

Khao kicked the nearby chair. "Don't project your stupid insecurities on me. You get flirted with at your work too, and I don't say anything. It's just work, I told you already. Several times. Look First." Khao began unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. "I'm tired. It's god damn 3am; the last thing I wanna do is argue with you about this nonsense. I'm going shower and sleep."

Annoyed, he pushed past First, discarding his clothes on the way to the bathroom. He knew all of First's cheating accusations were just projecting, as he wasn't the most innocent one when it comes to monogamy. After all, they met when he was still in a relationship.

"Babe..." As Khao entered the bedroom and slipped into bed, First's arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer. "I didn't mean to snap like that. I guess I'm just jealous..." First kissed his naked shoulder.

Khao already knew where this was headed. After each argument, even if it was First's fault, he was the one who caved, and apologised, trying to calm the waters. He turned around, snuggling into his boyfriend's arms. "I shouldn't have put myself in such situation. I'm sorry..."


(chat from Luke's POV)

(chat from Luke's POV)

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"What are you doing here P'Khao? Isn't your shift tomorrow?" Pond walked around his colleague with a tray of empty glasses and slightly bewildered expression. Khao rarely worked Wednesdays, and it was surprising to see him walk through the door.

"I came here to drink; can't I?" Khao smiled as he sat at the bar and immediately ordered rum with cherry coke from Dunk.

Since it was just past 8 on a Wednesday, the club was half empty, and the atmosphere was quite pleasant even for drinking alone.

When Pond appeared again, he held a case of shot glasses and used his foot to kick the leg of Khao's bar stool. "P'Khao, bossman wants to talk to you."

"Luke is here?" Khao perked up a bit. Boss rarely came to the club during weekdays. "Wait, how does he know I'm here?"

"I told him?" Pond shrugged, and continued waddling behind the bar to set the glasses down when Khao slipped of the barstool. "Hm. I wonder why bossman lets P'Khao call him by his name."

"Are you slow or something?" Dunk chuckled. "Those two have something going on."

"What makes you say that?" Pond tilted his head, like a curious animal that doesn't understand blinking lights.

"Come on, seriously? How baked are you?" Dunk wiped the counter. "It's a simple matter of observation, my friend. The way they look at each other is just something else, especially boss."


"-and I know he's just projecting, I'm not stupid, I have eyes. I can tell a hickey when I see one. And sometimes he comes smelling like someone else's cologne. Then he yells at me for cheating even if I've done nothing wrong. Makes me wanna do it just so his accusations would be justified. Damn it; I'm not interested in getting disrespected by someone I lowered my standards for." Khao groaned as he placed his empty glass on the table. "Sorry, I didn't mean to unload this on you like that." He gave Luke an apologetic look.

"Don't worry about it." Luke chuckled. "I'm happy to listen. And...I've been there with someone before. I knew, I always knew. I just kept it to myself so he would stay with me, but...The signs are never as subtle as they think. Here." He poured them another round of wine, and handed Khao a glass before they clinked them together and Khao took a sip.

Tipsy, Khao slumped deeper into the sofa and sighed. He wasn't surprised when Luke asked him to join him for a bottle, as the man had keen eye on picking up on vibes, and noticed Khao's gloomy face the second he came to say hi.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Luke moved a little closer, the smell of his perfume very pleasant to Khao's nose.

Luke was easily one of the most attractive men Khao has ever laid eyes on, and he was so easy to talk to, as his husky voice and calm demeanour had a certain effect no other person was able to replicate. He was charming in may ways, and Khao was more than aware of the attraction between them. He just didn't know why someone like Luke would ever...

Khao placed the glass down and look at his lap where Luke's hand rested on his thigh. Why did being desired by someone felt so good?

Khao didn't respond to Luke's words, but before the mixed man could say anything else, he was pulled into a very unexpected, but incredibly passionate kiss. The smaller man had his fingers tangled deliciously in Luke's black hair, pulling him closer when Luke jerked back in a little shock.

"Hey..." Luke gently broke the kiss when Khao moved to straddle his lap in a desperate need to get closer. "Are you sure? You're drunk..."

"Not drunk enough to not know what I'm doing." Khao bit his lip. "I know the way you're looking at me. So tell me..." He leaned to Luke's side, lips touching the man's ear as he whispered. "Why don't we also get ourselves into trouble?" 

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