Chapter 20

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(Chat from Luke's POV aka Sandbox groupchat)

(Chat from Luke's POV aka Sandbox groupchat)

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"Stop staring at me Ohm." Khao grunted. The second he turned his back, he could feel the tickling sensation on his neck, he could tell Ohm was staring at him, but still wouldn't speak up, and it began to feel irritating. "Just say what you wanna say."

"Are you not angry with me?" Ohm asked.

Khao gave him a weirded out look. "About what?"

"Well, P'First and I-"

"Is this really the time to talk about it?" Khao rolled his eyes. He continued muddling the mint with sugar and lime juice before grabbing a chilled glass and pouring it in. "Just let it go; it doesn't mater anymore." He then topped it with rum and added some lemonade per customer's request. He shuffled the cocktail across the bar and winked at the girl who generously tipped him and went back to join her giggly group of friends.

"I'm sorry P'Tung." Ohm wiped the counter. "Really, I am."

"When you were dating him...did you know about me?" Khao finally asked when his younger coworker wouldn't stop giving him the pouty eyes. "How long have you been together?"

"Just over six months I think? But like I said we only broke up a year ago, and since you and him have been together for three years..."

"I asked if you knew about me." Khao finally looked up, making eye contact.

Ohm sighed. "No. I mean, I knew he was seeing other people but I had no idea who it was, or that I was the second choice."

Khao leaned against the cooler. "So why did you break up with him? I know he didn't dump you, he's too cowardly to do that."

"I didn't like how he kept cancelling on me and never let me go to his place. I was fed up, so I just said screw it, I won't let myself be jerked around like that." Ohm shrugged. "You said it doesn't matter anymore...does that mean you broke up?"

"Yeah. We're over, completely."

"Was it because of me?"

"No, I-"

"Khaotung." Luke leaned against the bar top, his usual charming smile playing on his lips.

"Yo." Khao nodded.

"I'm glad you're feeling better." His lips twitched.

Khao smiled. "What can I get you?" Bastard, pretending we didn't spend those days together.

"Can you bring me bottle of Merlot and some rum shots?" Luke winked, completely ignoring Ohm greeting him.

When Luke left back to the VIP lounge, Khao poured six shots of rum and placed a bottle on the tray, shoving it to Ohm. "Go give-"

"Come on, he wants you to bring it." Ohm scoffed, and instead paid attention to the customer who ordered Old Fashioned.

Khao used his hip to push the door open, raising his eyebrow when he saw Luke in the lounge alone. Who were the shots for then? Was this a ploy to get him drunk?

"You've been ignoring my calls." Luke said when Khao set the tray down. "Khao..." He reached for his wrist. "Talk to me."

"What is there to talk about?" Khao stood by the man's side. "Luke, about what happened-"

"I'm sorry about your break up."

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Khao jerked his wrist, but Luke's hold was firm, and the man pulled him down onto his lap. "Hey!"

"It isn't." Luke held him tight, his other arm wrapping around Khao's waist. "Because I knew it would make you sad. I don't want that."

"Tsk." Khao clicked his tongue, but stopped resisting Luke's hold. "Are you sure that's the reason?"

"What do you mean?"

"I just figured that when I'm still in relationship, you can continue milk it as an excuse for not fully committing to me." Khao reached for one of the shots. "Ease your conscience; I told you I don't want that from you." He placed the empty glass back onto the tray and smiled, but it wasn't sincere. "You can just go with whoever you want."

"Like you did?" Luke scoffed. He reached to Khao's chest and pushed the already open shirt further apart, exposing the little hickey decorating Khao's collarbone. "You seemed to find replacement quickly."

Khao pulled his shirt close and finally jumped off Luke's lap. He didn't want to explain that the hickey came from Earth, there wasn't need for it. "And how does it have anything to do with you, if I'm going to be with someone else? Look, boss." He accentuated the word. "Let's see this as my last night working here. I don't need this job, and my parents want me home anyway. It will be better for both of us. Maybe it can give you time to organise your thoughts a little. Realise that was you always wanted from me was a fling."

"Khao, that's don't have to leave. I don't want you to leave. We can start dating right now if that's what you want, please-"

"Am I interrupting?" Joss, who has returned from the restroom, watched the two men with amused expression. Just one look at the server and he understood what Gawin meant. He looked so much like that person who broke his best friend's heart in the past.

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