Chapter 14

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"Hey, what can I get-oh

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"Hey, what can I get-oh." Ohm blinked I surprise when a familiar face popped up in front of his noodle stall. "P'Tung."

"Wow, hey." Khaotung chuckled. It was the first time he has seen his younger coworker outside of Sandbox, and in casual clothes nonetheless. "Is this your shop?" He looked around the place; it looked quite homely, with just three small tables and mismatched stools.

"My dad's, I just help out sometimes." Ohm smiled. With his hair down and football jersey for a shirt, he looked younger. Cuter. "What can I get ya?"

"Mmm, chicken eggplant curry and mango sticky rice." Khao pointed at the two basins of food. "And some soda."

"Right up." Ohm began scooping the food. "I'm glad to see you're doing better."


"Didn't you say you're sick?" The younger raised an eyebrow. "Leng even took your shifts yesterday and today."

"Oh." Khao awkwardly chuckled. "Yeah I'm fine now. I just don't want to go to work just yet, so..."

Ohm tied the takeout boxes in bags and shuffled it across his counter. He wasn't stupid, he could tell he just caught his colleague in a lie, but wasn't sure if they were close enough for him to press it and butt into his relationship. "P' boyfriend came to Sandbox yesterday, looking for you."

Khao placed the bank note into Ohm's hand and sighed. "Sorry about that. We're kind of..."

"Is that why you and boss..." Ohm's voice trailed off. "I'm sorry, I know it's none of my business. If you want to talk though..."

"Thanks but I don't wanna burden anyone with my problems." Khao smiled. His stomach rumbled and he looked at the display of food again, pointing at moo palo. "Give me a bowl of that."

"Shouldn't you be paying attention to your customers?" Khao asked when he sat down at a table and Ohm suddenly joined him, leaving the counter unattended.

Ohm shrugged. "It's fine. I want to talk to you, P'Tung."

"About what?" Khao stared into his bowl. "If it's about my relationships, I don't want to hear it. Being gossiped about at work is the worst."

"I just...I don't think that guy is good for you." Ohm said calmly.

"What makes you say that? You don't even know him. Or me, for that matter."

"Well I know you, you're my friend, and you're a nice person." Ohm shrugged. "And I know nice person shouldn't get jerked around like that. When your boyfriend saw you weren't there, he had a drink and called someone. He sounded really affectionate. You shouldn't be with someone like that."

Khao put the bowl to his mouth, scraping the rest of his food into his mouth. He then wiped his lips and stood up. "You're right. It really is none of your business."

He left Ohm at the table and dipped; the food bag swinging on his arm as he walked off to his car. Why did Ohm have to tell him? Khao was already ready to make up with First, sort things out as his own guilt was eating at him, but once again he wished to just end it, and separate. His heart balanced on a thin line between love and hate as he turned the ignition key and drove to First's workplace and parked beside the restaurant.

" First here?" Khao asked the waiter who was stood beside a garbage can, smoking. Tall, with high cheekbones and almond eyes, Khao found him quite handsome, but when he rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue, that sudden attraction disappeared.

"He's inside." Force blew a puff of smoke to his side, and with great annoyance gestured behind him towards the staff door.

"Khao..." First's face lit up when he entered the staff room and came face to face with his boyfriend. "What are you doing here?"

"I brought you lunch..." Khao held up the bag with a sheepish smile. "I thought, maybe we could talk..."

"It's really not the best time, I can't take any more breaks, but-"

"Okay, I'll just...I'll see you at home, okay? Later."

"Wait, Khao-"

Khao placed the lunch onto nearby table just as Force returned inside. He quickly walked past him, already feeling the lump in his throat growing. Why was guilt eating him alive, yet there First was, sporting a very fresh hickey?

"Fuck!" Khao cursed loudly when his car refused to start and he walked around it, kicking the front bumper angrily. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" It was as if the universe was punishing him when rain began falling and soaking his shirt.

"Tears don't suit pretty boys like you."

Khao wanted to scream at the stranger shielding him to fuck off, but he quickly swallowed his words and wiped the tears of anger off his face when he noticed who was it that held the coat above his head. "Khun Earth..."

"What seems to be the problem?" Earth looked at the car and the slightly dented licence plate at the front where Khao kicked it. "Can I help?"

Khao sighed. "Nothing, it's just my battery's dead. Fuck, this is what I get for driving vintage, huh..."

"Can I offer you a ride home?" Earth gestured towards his sparkling white BMW. The rain has gotten stronger, and Khao knew getting a cab would just be an unnecessary expense, so he nodded before taking the seat in Earth's car and letting out an apologetic sigh when his wet shirt touched the pristine seat.

"I haven't seen you come to the restaurant for a while..." Earth spoke. "You used to bring First lunch all the time. I thought, maybe you two...?"

"I don't really wanna talk about it, khun Earth." Khao tilted the air-con at himself. Just like Luke, Earth also drove with just one hand, his sleeves rolled up, which Khao found attractive. "It's tiring to date someone and keep worrying about the whole world knowing all your problems."

"You can talk to me about anything..." Suddenly, Earth's large hand was on Khao's thigh. 

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