Chapter 18

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"Easy there, watch your head." Khao laughed when he tried to pull Mix out of the car and accidentally knocked his forehead against the roof. He parked his Mustang right behind a silver Subaru, a shiny white BMW parked beside it. Khao could swear he's seen that car somewhere, but haven't paid much attention to it as it began to rain and they quickly run inside.

The house was huge, almost as big as his parent's house, but before Khao could take a proper look around, Mix has already dragged him into a sort of living room and pushed him onto a large sofa. "Wait here, I'll get us something to drink!"

"I like the decor." Khao gestured towards the green velvet covered wall with golden accents and a large painting while Mix poured them both a glass of whiskey, his own filled bit more than Khao's.

"You do?" Mix clinked his glass against Khao's and quickly took a sip. "I was actually thinking of redecorating. It's too...Christmas-y. My husband likes blue...I think indigo velvet would suit this place."

"Husband?" Khao raised an eyebrow. "I thought he's just your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend, husband, sugar daddy...who cares." Mix hiccuped. "You know, we've been together for like ten months, but he still won't put a ring on it." He raised his left hand, wiggling the ring finger. "I wish he did. Damn, sometimes I flirt with guys in a bar but I don't actually let it lead to anywhere. I don't even kiss them."

"From what I've heard you telling me, he's still very much committed to you though, no?" Khao patted Mix's shoulder. "What did you call it? Yours in heart, but with a public property dick? At least he doesn't fall in love with others, unlike my...ah." Khao bit his lip. "Sorry, I didn't mean to put a damper on our evening."

"So you and him are completely toast now?" Mix relaxed himself on the sofa and unbuttoned his shirt a little before filling himself a second, very full glass, while Khao was still on his first one. They could smell food being cooked, and someone whistling, but their conversation remained undisturbed. "That sucks. You're hot and really nice, you deserve a great guy. But hey, if you want, my man has a lot of single friends, I can introduce you to someone?"

"Actually I think I won't date for a while." Khao sipped his drink again. "I've slept with my boss but-"

"Ha?! You fucked P'Luke?!" Mix stared at him with mouth agape. "Why?"

"I don't know!" Khao tried to hush him. "It just...happened. I don't know why but we just hit it off ever since I first started working at Sandbox. And he was always so...attentive. I felt so hurt by First's action I just wanted to be needed by someone, really needed, you know? And Luke was there, he listened to me ramble, he let me cry on his shoulder, he was just so kind I lost myself with him."

"Yeah, guys are always like that." Mix drunkenly chuckled. "Especially when they wanna get in your panties."

"Baby, dinner is ready."

Khao nearly spat out his drink when a familiar person came into the living room with a tray of food, the steam coming off it gave his skin a dewy look.

"Khun Earth..."

"Oh?" Mix hiccuped. "You know each other?"

"I- my ex works at his restaurant." Khao couldn't believe his eyes. "We've only met briefly."

Earth didn't seem surprised by Khao's presence, but he did winked at him a little as he set the tray down and very sneakily took the unfinished bottle of whisky away.

"I shall not disturb you." Earth leaned down, kissing Mix on the reddened cheek. Khao tactfully turned his attention to the food, his stomach thanking him for putting something other than alcohol in it.

"Small world, huh?" Khao laughed, trying to ease the discomfort he suddenly felt. Last time he and Earth met, the man hit on him, and pretty directly, which gave Khao the impression he was single, not taken. Certainly not taken by someone who was his friend.

Dinner was delightful, which seemed obvious when a Michelin chef cooks for you, and Khao yawned. The food and alcohol seemed to soothe him, both with body and emotionally, and he didn't even think of reaching for his glass, which now looked suspiciously empty.

"You know..." Mix hiccuped, clearly very drunk. "I know one day you're gonna have a stellar guy. " He hiccuped again. "And he's gonna be tall, and sexy, and great in bed, and just perfect. I promise." Another hiccup. "Because you are just so awesome. And so nice."

Mix's drunken and praise brought a genuine joy to Khao's heart, and the two giggled and chatted, until late hours when Mix finally let his head fall back and snored.

Khao looked at him with amusement for a bit, but he knew that position couldn't be comfortable, and he very cautiously walked through the large house, searching for Earth.

"Mix fell asleep. I should go..." Khao gestured behind himself once he located the man, cleaning up in the kitchen.

"Oh. Let me go get him." Earth spoke calmly as he followed Khao back to the living room. He sighed, but picked up Mix into his arms with minimal effort. "I'll just go then..."

"You've been drinking, just stay here." Earth said over his shoulder as he walked to their bedroom and slowly lowered mix onto the bed. "We've got a guest room. You shouldn't drive drunk again. You've already done it once."

"Eh?" Khao tilted his head, realising Earth was right. He had already been a bit tipsy when he drove him and Mix here, and driving now would probably get him into trouble. With Earth's instructions he located the guest room quite quickly and began undressing, wishing he had brought his toothbrush from the car.

When a knock on the still opened door made him turn head, Khao crossed his opened shirt back over his naked chest and quickly turned his back to Earth, staring at the ground. "What is it?"

"I just wanted to check on you, if you need anything? Here."

Khao sniffed what looked like a glass of water with mint, and took a small sip. The bartended in him was cautious, as many alcoholic drinks can still be clear, but it was just minty water. "Thanks. I'm alright. Is Mix alright?"

Earth sighed. "Yeah he's fine, he's asleep now. Who would have thought you two are friends? How...amusing."

"He's a regular at Sandbox." Khao chuckled. "He likes to complain about-I mean, he likes to talk about you."

"Me?" Earth stepped into the room with slightly pleased smile. "I'm afraid to ask what he says. Well, I'm glad he knows you. I'm glad you came here..."

"Khun Earth..." Khao took a little step back when Earth continued approaching, until the back of his knees hit the bed and he sat down, eyes looking up at the man who was suddenly dangerously close.

Large hand touched his cheek and lifted his chin even more, those almond eyes staring questioningly. His pulse quickened, Earth could feel it under his finger tips when he moved his hand to Khao's neck. "From this angle you look truly wonderful." 

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