Chapter 26

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"Would this be okay?" Khao held up a folded stack of clothes to Luke who continued rubbing a towel against his head. Shower after his long, sweaty drive was very beneficial, but the thought of not having a change of clothes only dawned on him once he left the bathroom.

"Is this yours?" Luke scanned the large white t-shirt before pulling it over his head. Even the plaid trousers seemed to fit him quite nicely; it certainly wasn't Khaotung's size.

"My cousin left it here couple weeks back." Khao shrugged. "I'm pretty sure he's got the hots for one of our maids; he spilled that cherry juice on himself on purpose so he could take his shirt infront of her. Pathetic."

"Sometimes when we like someone, it can make us do stupid things." Luke reached for his phone. "Damn; can I borrow a charger?"

"Five bucks and it's yours." Khao joked. "It's in the bedside drawer; help yourself. It's in the second-oh not that one!" Khao reached out, pointing at the nightstand closer to the window, but it was too late, as Luke has already opened the first one, and grinned.

"Oh? What do we have here?" Luke snickered, reaching in. He couldn't care less about a charger, as he pulled out a sleek black vibrator with a gold band at its base, mate silicone finish covering the toy. "Care to introduce me to your friend?"

"Put it back." Khao groaned with embarrassment. He threw the charger into Luke's lap, but the older just put it aside and pulled Khao closer, a hand on his thigh.

"The image in my head right now is just..." Luke bit his lip. "I really want to see you use it."

"Pervert." Khao snatched the vibrator away and returned it into its drawer, running a hand through his hair. "Let me show you around. Uncle has probably already alerted my parents. I wouldn't be surprised if-ah." Khao snickered when his phone buzzed with an incoming call from his mother. "See?" He put the phone to one ear. "Yes Mama. Yes. Alright, we shall be there in a minute."

"Wow." Luke raised an eyebrow. He was taken aback by Khao's sudden posh accent and proper speech. "We shall be...where?"

"The family dining room." Khao put his phone down and plugged Luke's phone into a charger. "Come, let's walk around. I want to show you around a little."

Luke followed Khao through the mansion, taking in the vastness and luxury of this place. They passed through a library filled from floor to the ceiling with books, a music room with a grand piano, and a large office with a large family photo hung on the wall.

"This is where I spend most of my time when I'm home." Khao said, gesturing to the glass desk covered in papers and a sleek computer setup. "Dad wishes I continued running the family business, but it's a lot of responsibility. I'm not really sure I want to do it."

"What is the family business anyway?" Luke touched the desk; not a spec of dust in this place. He wondered why did Khao rented such a small apartment in Bangkok when he could afford a mansion. "Clearly you didn't need to work at the bar..."

"I wanted to; I didn't want to just stay home." Khao shrugged. "Besides, when I met you, I just..."

Luke tried hard not to smile too smugly as he put an arm around Khao's waist and kissed his neck. "Young master wanted to work because he had hots for me, huh...?"

"You got that young master part correct." Khao chuckled and turned around in Luke's embrace, placing a kiss to his lips. "My mother is a descendant of Southern nobles, and my father's family are jewellery merchants. His family tree goes hundreds of years into the past; it's old world money."

"Damn." Luke nodded. They then walked through the rest of the place and back downstairs; a maid bowed to them as she opened a large ornate door and Khao walked into the dining room.

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