Crystle eye| Chapter 10

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A/n: another chapter yay, sorry for the kinda sad last chapter, and if the little scenes seemed short, btw pov change for this chapter

Mentions of blood

Lady Ningguang asked me to check on the girls conditions, It was the same girl that caused the commotion a few day ago in the medicle ward when I was passing by. Apparently she was moved to a better room, this room was one of the rooms used for guests but I was informed by keqing that she is currently being held till she give up information but should be handled carefully as her current wound is still vulnerable to opening again.

As I walked down the familier hall of the guest floor I reached the room. But before I could reach the scan pad I sensed somthing bad. I looked from side to side, my blue hair swinging, the hall empty other than a few maids. Which meant that the dread feeling was coming from inside the room.

I quickly opened the door and when the door slide open I was faced with a dim room. The furniture scattered along with broken decorations, all movable red items were either ripped apart or shattered. It was like a rabbit animal or tornado had run threw the room.

I quickly ran inside and looked around the room for any sighs of the girl or break in, nothing their was nothing exept small scatters of blood. I paniced and followed the blood to the bathroom were I found the girl sat against the toilet the stench of vomit in the air and a puddle of red forming from were the girls arm hung to the floor.

I ran over to her and shifted her to face me, she was alive, but looked tired and like she had passed out from exhaustion. I looked at her shoulder and saw that the wound seemed to have reopened. I got up and ran out of the room and found a maid who was cleaning near by, I yelled at her and said.

"Please go fetch a medical staff, quickly it's an emergency"

The maid nodded and I went back to the girl to try my best to stop the bleeding. She wouldn't respond to my touches and voice. I looked over her body and saw in her hand she gripped a grey crystle, a dead vision. I picked her up away from the toilet and down of the floor were I could see her better. Her hands were scratched and red, it was most likely her who destroyed the room, reason unknown.

Just then I heard a voice echo through the recked room.

"In the bathroom"

I called.

I looked up to the door and saw two nurses walk in. They quickly went to work checking and patching the girls wound. They then thanked me for calling them and rolled the girl off in a hovering cot.

I could only stand and watch them leave as I serveyed the broken room.

"Just what happened in here"

In the corner of my eye I saw I small shine and when I looked towards it I found the dead vision on the floor in the small puddle of blood. I looked around the room and grabbed a towel, using it to pick of the vison. It was liyue'an from the case, but what was it doing here. When they checked the girl they said they found nothing but a bag with a few weaponds, her clothes, ear piece along with other information used for her mission, and phone.

I wrapped the vision up, It would be best to take it to lady Ningguang and _____, so they can determind what they would like to do with it weather it be keep it or give it back to the girl.

I left the room and traveled back down the halls and up to a higher floor, the floor were Ningguang's office is. I knocked on the big door to her office and waited response. As soon as I heard the answer I walked in and face Lady Ningguang along with _____.

"Ganyu? you were supposed to be checking on the girl"

Ningguang said her brown quirked in worry and confusion.

"... Their was a problem and I was unable to communicate with her"

"What problem"

Ningguang's eye's narrowed.

"When I arrived at her room it was destroyed, and I found her unconsious in the bathroom, her wound reopened"

_____'s eyes widen and he asked.

"And her current state?"

"she's being taken care of as we speak"

Ningguang nodded.

"I see"

She looked over at one of her attentants.

"Please go check camara footage from around the room and from last night"

The attendant nodded and left, and Ningguang asked.

"Anything else found"

"This was in her hand"

She placed the bloodied towel with the small vision on the table but made sure that the bloodied part of the towel remained off the desk.

The two looked at the dead vision.

"How particular, we never found this on her or in her bag, so were was it"

Ningguang nodded at her words then looked at _____.

"She's your responsability so what do you wish to do with this item"

The man picked up the vision.

"Im sure if she was holding this it's important, I bet it could be a good bargaining chip"

Ningguang then sighed

"Then thats settled, anything else Ganyu"

I shook my head then Lady Ningguan nodded and dismissed me.

Pov change

} back in the room {

"You really shouldn't ease drop"

_____ said while Ningguang just looked over to the courner of the room.

"Then why let me do it"

A ginger said.

The man only sighed.

"I let you off this time since this conversation was of little confidentuality"

"Oh don't be like that, you sound so grumpy, is it because that girl got hurt"

The man glared at him.

"No, and it's none of your buissness"

"What's so important about that girl anyway"

Ningguang sigh.

"One of the reason has already been explained to you tartaglia"

"Then let me rephrase"

His voice turned darker.

"Why is she going to remain here even after we gain what we need"

The two's expressions turn cold, there eye darkening.

A/n: yo, just a little note, more important chapters like the ball and burnt out will be longer than say a chapter like this one, simple to give more information without having to wait till next chapter and so I can put all my story thoughts down and writen instead of making a whole new chapter to continue the idea

Anyway bye bye ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 

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